EfD Annual Reports 2013/14

Submitted by Po-Ts'an Goh on

The joint EfD Report 2013/14 showcases the work undertaken by the Environment for Development Initiative. 

Please access the report to find out more about our research projects, policy interaction, academic capacity building and publications.

For more detailed information on each centre, please open or download the individual reports of the six original EfD centres, Central America, China, ​Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa and Tanzania, on the side bar.

EfD Kenya seminar at Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company

The EfD-Kenya team was invited to make a presentation to the Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company (NCWSC) Research and Development Committee on 26th June 2014. The members of the committee present…

Date: Thursday 26 June — Thursday 26 June, 2014
Location: Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company, Addis Ababa Road, Nairobi

EfD Kenya held intensive writing workshop

EfD Kenya held a writing workshop from 23 rd to 25 th June 2014. The purpose of the workshop was to bring together participants of two ongoing EfD-K projects: Increasing block tariffs and the…

Date: Monday 23 June — Wednesday 25 June, 2014
Location: Nairobi Safari Club, Nairobi, Kenya

Risk perception, choice of drinking water and water treatment: Evidence from Kenyan towns

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This study used household survey data from four Kenyan towns to examine the effect of households' characteristics and risk perceptions on their decision to treat/filter water as well as on their choice of main drinking water source. Because the two decisions may be jointly made by the household, a seemingly unrelated bivariate probit model was estimated. It turned out that treating non-piped water and using piped water as a main drinking water source were substitutes.


Strategic alliances in Kenyan smallholder farming

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Implementing and complying with standards and certification often increases costs for supply chain actors. These increased costs are caused by upgrading production, logistics and marketing needed to achieve compliance, and can lead to the exclusion of actors from the supply chain.


The 8th Annual Meeting of the Environment for Development (EfD) Initiative

The EfD initiative is committed to produce high quality research and active international research interaction. This is achieved by creating an environment where discussions can take place openly…

Date: Thursday 23 October — Sunday 26 October, 2014
Location: Ledger Plaza Bahari Beach, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Integrating Market Access and Tenure Security: The role of Institutional Isolation in Crop Productivity in Kenya

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
EfD Authors:

This paper analyses the role of institutional isolation on crop productivity in Kenya using household survey data. The study is based on the theory of agricultural household models and the sustainable land management framework.


Assessment of Adoption and Impact of Rainwater Harvesting Technologies on Rural Farm Household Income: The Case of Rainwater Harvesting Ponds in Rwanda

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Rainwater harvesting is increasingly viewed as a major strategy for enhancing agricultural productivity and boosting farm income in many drought-prone areas. While this technology is being promoted in many developing countries, there is conflicting evidence in the literature about its impact on welfare of farm households.
