Robust placement of sensors in dynamic water distribution systems

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Designing a robust sensor network to detect accidental contaminants in water distribution systems is a challenge given the uncertain nature of the contamination events (what, how much, when, where and for how long) and the dynamic nature of water distribution systems (driven by the random consumption of consumers).

Energy, Policy Design

Effective Pollution Control Policy for China

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China began enforcing a system of pollution levies in 1982. However, senior environmental officials expressed doubt that this system was improving the environment and, in 1996, they began to place greater reliance on mill closure as the penalty for poor environmental performance. Since then, managers have found means of subverting many of the intended mill closures, and this causes us to return to the question of the abatement efficiency and effectiveness of the levies.

Policy Design

Forest Market Model for China—— based on results of model simulation and projection

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EfD Authors:

As China quickly becomes the world largest market and supplier of forest products over the past decade, her domestic policy change and ensuing supply trends becomes interesting to many. As being increasingly recognized, changes of China’s domestic policy and wood supply have had drastic impacts on world market and global forest resources. Despite the significance of the issue, understanding of China’s unique policy framework, institutional foundation and future supply trends in forest products remains limited.

Forestry, Policy Design

Has The Centralized Environmental Governance Regime Worked in China?

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EfD Authors:

Scholars have suggested that in China centralized environmental policymaking may be decoupled from idiosyncratic local implementation, and thus have questioned the outcomes. This paper fills a gap in the literature on China’s environmental governance by assessing the effects of the centralized regime on outcomes and diagnosing institutional deficiencies along the following three dimensions: structure, penetration to multiple actors in society, and persistence in efforts taken.

Policy Design

The Environment for Development Initiative Activity Report 2007-2009

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The Environment for Development initiative started in 2007 and this is the report for the first three-year period.

EfD is an initiative to support environmental economics capacity to conduct research, academic training and policy outreach.

The six EfD centers are expected to make a difference by contributing to better environmental management and thereby reducing poverty in developing countries.

It is better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix: a study of concern for relative standing in rural China

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This paper examines the concern for relative standing among rural households in China. We used a survey-experimental method to measure to what extent poor Chinese farmers care about their relative income and found that the respondents cared to a high degree


Integrating location models with Bayesian Analysis to inform decision making

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This paper is about locating sensors in water distribution networks and making inferences on the presence of contamination events based on sensor signals.

Experiments, Policy Design, Water

Changes in China’s Energy Intensity: Origins and Implications for Long-Run Carbon Emissions and Climate Policies

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EfD Authors:

Since the economic reforms that began in 1978 China has experienced a dramatic decline in energy intensity until about 2002 when it flattened out and even rose slightly.

Climate Change, Energy

China’s Sloping Land Conversion Program: Does Expansion Equal Success?

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EfD Authors:

This paper uses a 2003 household survey to examine implementation and impacts of China's Sloping Land Conversion Program. We find that land targeting has been strongly influenced by program goals, but that mistargeting also occurred.
