On Social Sanctions and Beliefs: A Pollution Norm Example

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EfD Authors:

A prevailing view in the literature is that social sanctions can support, in equilibrium, high levels of obedience to a costly norm. The reason is that social disapproval and stigmatization faced by the disobedient are highest when disobedience is the exception rather than the rule in society.


A fair share: Burden-sharing preferences in the United States and China

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Using a sequential discrete choice experiment, we investigate preferences for distributing the economic burden of reducing CO2 emissions in the two largest CO2-emitting countries: the United States and China.

Climate Change
Environmental Economics Program in China (EEPC)

EfD China Center Report 2011/12

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This report presents EfD China, its members and work during 2011/12.For a free hardcopy, please send an email to: info@efdinitiative.org

The Chinese node of the Environment for Development initiative is based at:

Environmental Economics Program in China (EEPC)

Peking University

Beijing 100871, CHINA

Coordinator: Dr Jintao Xu Email: xujt@pku.edu.cn

Tel: +86-10-62767629

Automobile Usage and Urban Rail Transit Expansion

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EfD Authors:

Using individual travel diary data collected before and after the rail transit coverage expansion in urban Beijing, this paper estimates the impact of rail accessibility improvement on the usage of rail transit, automobiles, buses, walking, and bicycling, measured as percent distance traveled by each mode in an individual trip.

Experiments, Energy

Household decision making in rural China: Using experiments to estimate the influences of spouses

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Many economic decisions are made jointly within households. Running an experiment on intertemporal choice, we investigate the relative influence of spouses on joint household decisions. We let each spouse first decide individually and then jointly with the other spouse.


Economic Incentives for Pollution Control in Developing Countries: What Can We Learn from the Empirical Literature?

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EfD Authors:

This review seeks to analyze the implementation of Market Based Instruments (MBIs) in developing countries.

The focus is mostly (but not exclusively) on the empirical literature. The evidence is that MBIs have played a role in pollution reduction. However, this conclusion is mostly based on evidence from one country – China. Moreover, these tools seem to be used in conjunction with command and control instruments.

Agriculture, Policy Design

China’s environmental challenges going rural and west

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EfD Authors:

China is increasingly suffering from ‘growing pains’ of severe environmental challenges arising during the past decades’ economic boom (Fu et al, 2007; Liu and Diamond, 2008). While this has been widely discussed, more attention and effort has been focused on the problems directly resulting from urbanization and industrialization, such as growing greenhouse gas emissions and worsening urban air and water quality

Climate Change