Does Green Infrastructure Work? Precipitation, Protected Areas, Floods and Landslides

Submitted by Marianela Arguello on

We use monthly municipality data for the period 2000-2015 in Guatemala and monthly district data for the period 1992-2019 in Costa Rica. We define relevant catchment areas using water flows to the population centers of the administrative units. Then, we calculate the precipitation inside and outside Pas within the relevant catchment areas, and test how the frequency of floods and landslides is affected by whether rain falls inside or outside PAs. We use a two-way fixed-effects panel data model. For Guatemala, we find no robust statistically significant effects on these types of disasters.

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Conservation, Forestry, Land

Remittances and Natural Resource Extraction: Evidence from Mexico

Submitted by Mark Senanu Ku… on

While much attention has been given to the effects of migration and remittances on agricultural activities in the communities of origin, the relationship between remittances and rural households' use of natural resources remains understudied. This paper contributes in filling this gap by using a Mexican data set that contains detailed information on both remittances and use of natural resources at the household level.


Metrics for environmental compensation: A comparative analysis of Swedish municipalities

Submitted by Mark Senanu Ku… on
EfD Authors:

Environmental compensation (EC) aims at addressing environmental losses due to development projects and involves a need to compare development losses with compensation gains using relevant metrics. A conceptual procedure for computing no net loss is formulated and used as a point of departure for a comparative analysis of metrics used by five Swedish municipalities as a part of their EC implementation in the spatial planning context of detailed development plans.

Climate Change, Land

Analysis of opportunities for the introduction of fiscal instruments that incentivize the decarbonization of the waste management sector in Costa Rica

Submitted by Marianela Arguello on

This document seeks to analyze the context of the waste sector in the country, including the management of the wastes, their emissions, the environmental and social externalities, the actors, the relevant regulations, and the advances of the action plan of the sector, among other aspects; second, review the literature regarding the use and the impact of the fiscal instruments in the managing sector in different countries. This provides lessons that can be useful for the adaptation of similar instruments in this sector for decarbonization and green recuperation in Costa Rica.

Climate Change, Covid-19, Land, Policy Design, Waste