Optimal Enforcement and Practical Issues of Resource Protection in Developing Countries
This paper relates principle findings in the optimal economic enforcement literature to practical issues of enforcing and managing forest and wildlife access restrictions in developing countries.
The authors identified large gaps in the theoretical literature that limit its usefulness for practical management, particularly regarding limited funding and cost recovery, multiple layers of enforcement, different incentives faced by enforcers, and conflict between protected-area managers’ job requirements and rural people’s needs.
Spatial Aspects of Forest Management and Non-Timber Forest Product Extraction in Tanzania
The authors explore the impact of participatory forest management (PFM) in Tanzania that excludes villagers from traditional access to forests to collect non-timber forest products (NTFPs).
Using fieldwork and a spatial-temporal model, they focused on forest degradation and regeneration and villagers’ utility before and after PFM has been introduced. Although the PFM forest improves, they found that a moratorium on NTFP collection often adversely affects villagers’ livelihoods and more distant, less-protected forests.
The Implications of Improved Communications for Participatory Forest Management in Tanzania
Following the 1998 National Forest Policy and Forest Act of 2002, participatory forest management (PFM) is being introduced in Tanzania. PFM has two key objectives: to reduce forest degradation thereby increasing ecosystem services, and to improve the livelihoods of local villagers.
A unique data set collected in 2006 suggests that significant challenges remain with respect to communicating the new forest policies if the objectives of PFM are to be achieved.
Impacts of the Productive Safety Net Program in Ethiopia on Livestock and Tree Holdings of Rural Households
We evaluated the impacts of the Ethiopian Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) on rural households’ holdings of livestock and forest assets including trees, applying both regression analysis and propensity score matching to panel data.
Impacts of the Productive Safety Net Program on livestock and tree holdings of rural households in Ethiopia
In this paper, we study the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) in Ethiopia in order to see how it has affected households’ investment and disinvestment in productive assets. The PSNP is the largest currently operating social protection program in sub-Saharan Africa outside of South Africa, and its impacts and effectiveness are therefore important both in their own right and because they have implications for similar but smaller programs elsewhere.
A protocol for the quantification and valuation of wetland ecosystem services.
This publication provides advice on how to approach wetland valuation studies in terms of methodological rigour, breadth and depth of the analsys, according to their application, and provides detailed guidelines for valuation methods used for different types of value.
Case studies of the valuation of provisioning, regulating and cultural services provided by wetlands.
This publication is a compilation of five wetland valuation case studies carried out on different provisioning, regulating and cultural services and at different scales in South Africa in Lesotho.
The Wetland Livelihood Value Index: A tool for the assessment of the livelihood value of wetlands.
This publication provides an explanation of the social benefits provided by wetlands in rural and urban areas, and a logical and straightforward way in which to quantify and compare the importance of individual wetlands in terms of their livelihood contribution.
Wetland ecosystem services and their valuation: a review of current understanding and practice
This publication provides a comprehensive review of the nature of the services provided by wetlands, how they are measured and valued, giving case study examples from around the world.
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