Environmental efficiency in the salmon industry—an exploratory analysis around the 2007 ISA virus outbreak and subsequent regulations in Chile

Submitted by Cristóbal Vásquez on

Environmental performance indicators are key to monitoring the sustainability of production processes. In the salmon industry, there is a growing concern about the excess of nutrients that have accumulated at the bottom of marine ecosystems and the negative externalities of those nutrients on the environment. In this paper, we measure environmental performance in the salmon industry in Chile by applying a set of data envelopment analysis (DEA) models. In these models, we incorporate pollutants as undesired outputs of the production process.

Biodiversity, Fisheries, Policy Design

The “Seafood” System: Aquatic Foods, Food Security, and the Global South

Submitted by Cristóbal Vásquez on

The global seafood system includes three interconnected sectors: commercial capture (or wild-caught) fisheries, recreational and subsistence fisheries, and aquaculture (or farmed seafood). The three sector-focused articles in this symposium review production externalities within and between sectors and between the seafood system and the broader natural environment. Building on the insights from these articles, we discuss seafood as part of an integrated food system and examine both seafood supply and demand.

Biodiversity, Fisheries, Policy Design

Opportunities and challenges for small-scale aquaculture in southern Chile: The stakeholders’ perspective

Submitted by Petra Hansson on

We identify and explore the potential opportunities and challenges for promoting and expanding small-scale aquaculture (SSA) as an additional income-generating activity for coastal communities in southern Chile. Based on a conceptual model of SSA adoption decisions, we conducted field key informant semistructured interviews with stakeholders in the Los Lagos region and in the regional capital city, Puerto Montt. We conducted a qualitative analysis of the interviews to identify potential resource users’ perceptions of current SSA opportunities.

Fisheries, Water

What can we learn about the natural disasters and multidimensional poverty link for artisanal fishery in Chile?

Submitted by Cristóbal Vásquez on
EfD Authors:

This article examines the connection between household poverty and natural disasters in Chile using a multidimensional analysis of poverty. Rather than using household income as a single poverty indicator, we implement a multidimensional poverty index, which measures poverty in four dimensions: work and social security, housing, health and education. This study helps reduce the limited knowledge of the impact of the 2010 earthquake and tsunami on household poverty in Chile, separating those events as different but related shocks.


Biomass Development and Fishers’ Vulnerability in Nigeria: Evidence from a Survey Dataset

Submitted by Nnaemeka Chukwuone on

/Biomass decline is a vital threat for small-scale fisheries, but lack of data affects our ability to understand both biomass development and fishers’ adaptation. This study contributes to the literature on cost-effective, survey-data-based methods in data-poor and development-oriented settings. Based on original survey data from Nigeria, we find that 58% of respondents perceive a decline in fish abundance, in particular top-predator biomass. However, we also find signs of strategic behavior by respondents.


La agenda ambiental como parte del modelo económico de Colombia

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Colombia cuenta con un capital natural enorme, derivado de su riqueza en diversidad biológica, sobre el cual puede generar nuevas oportunidades de progreso e inclusión económica. Al mismo tiempo, el país enfrenta retos ambientales muy importantes asociados a sus profundas desigualdades, debilidad institucional para cumplir sus compromisos internacionales, y para cumplir el mandato de la Constitución de 1991, una de las  cartas más verdes de tiempos recientes.

Agriculture, Air Quality, Climate Change, Conservation, Fisheries