A balance of bottom-up and top-down in linking climate policie

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Top-down climate negotiations embodied by the Kyoto Protocol have all but stalled, chiefly because of disagreements over targets and objections to financial transfers. To avoid those problems, many have shifted their focus to linkage of bottom-up climate policies such as regional carbon markets.

Climate Change

Understanding the adoption of a portfolio of sustainable intensification practices in eastern and southern Africa

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This paper explores smallholder farmers’ adoption decisions of multiple sustainable intensification practices (SIPs) in eastern and southern Africa. The authors develop a multivariate probit model using plot-level data gathered from maize–legume farming systems in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, and Tanzania.


Challenges to institutionalizing strategic environmental assessment: The case of Vietnam

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Building on new institutional theory, this paper develops an analytical framework for analyzing constraints to the institutionalization of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) at four different institutional levels.

Policy Design

Mission started – but far from accomplished

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
EfD Authors:

We live at a unique moment in history when rapid economic growth has finally lifted hundreds of millions out of deep poverty, not only in Asia and Latin America but increasingly in Africa (Sala-i-Martin and Pinkovskiy, 2010). Yet the impending damage of climate change could reverse this.

Climate Change

Demand for second-stage land certification in Ethiopia: Evidence from household panel data

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Ethiopia has implemented one of the largest, fastest and least expensive land registration and certification reforms in Africa. While there is evidence that this ‘first-stage’ land registration has had positive effects in terms of increased investment, land productivity and land rental market activities, the government is now piloting another round of land registration and certification that involves technically advanced land survey methods and computer registration.


Economic Costs of Climate Change and Climate Finance with a Focus on Africa

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
EfD Authors:

Climate change is one of the most important challenges facing the world in general and Africa in particular. This article examines economic costs of climate change and climate finance with a focus on Africa.

Climate Change