An integrated assessment of vulnerability to floods using composite index – A district level analysis for Bihar, India

Submitted by Vidisha Chowdhury on
EfD Authors:

Vulnerability assessment using composite indices provides critical information for the policymakers on why certain regions are impacted more than the others. Several researchers have assessed the vulnerability to hazard in diverse spatial and environmental settings, however, not many studies have assessed the vulnerability to flood hazards in Bihar, where flooding is a perennial event.

Climate Change, Land, Policy Design

Network analysis: a novel approach to identify PM2.5 hotspots and their spatio-temporal impact on air quality in Santiago de Chile

Submitted by César Salazar on
EfD Authors:

Air pollution, particularly PM2.5 particulate matter, is a significant issue in Santiago, the capital of Chile. Santiago’s pollution problem is exacerbated by its unique geographic location nestled against the Andes mountain range in the central valley of Chile. This paper uses network models that were developed primarily to analyze systemic risk in the financial system to identify those locations in the city that are most important for explaining PM2.5 levels.

Air Quality, Climate Change, Urban

Environmental policy instruments and corruption

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

In this paper we discuss the choice of taxation or regulation of environmental externalities. The subject might appear to be a well-trodden path, but we believe we have a new angle on this well-established question. We think we are being quite realistic when we assume that corrupt practices lurk behind every corner, threatening to derail the good intents of any regulator.

Carbon Pricing, Climate Change

Environmental Impacts and Policy Responses to Covid-19: A View from Latin America

Submitted by César Salazar on

COVID-19 is currently having major short run effects with possible serious long run implications for the environment and the management of natural resources in Latin America. We discuss the possible effects of the pandemic on air pollution, deforestation and other relevant environmental dimensions across the region. With contributions from environmental economists from eight countries, we give an overview of the initial and expected environmental effects of this health crisis.

Air Quality, Covid-19, Energy, Health, Policy Design

Can climate information salvage livelihoods in arid and semiarid lands? An evaluation of access, use and impact in Namibia 20-09

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

Climate forecasting is a crucial tool for managing risks in climate- sensitive economic sectors like agriculture. Although rainfed farming dominates livelihoods in Africa, information on access, use and impact of improved seasonal climate forecasting remains scanty. This paper addresses this gap using representative data from Northern Namibia. The study employed propensity score matching, with a sensitivity analysis for hidden bias, to evaluate the impact of

Climate Change, Policy Design

Smallholder responses to climate anomalies in rural Uganda

Submitted by Stephanie Scott on
EfD Authors:

Recent research suggests that sub-Saharan Africa will be among the regions most affected by the negative social and biophysical ramifications of climate change. Smallholders are expected to respond to rising temperatures and precipitation anomalies through on-farm management strategies and diversification into off-farm activities. However, few studies have empirically examined the relationship between climate anomalies and rural livelihoods.

Climate Change

The Economics of REDD through an Incidence of Burdens and Benefits Lens

Submitted by Stephanie Scott on

Forests in lower-income countries provide a global public good, carbon sequestration. REDD, "reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation" is a performance-based payment designed to align private incentives at the country level with the socially optimal level of forest loss. This review article focuses on the distributional implications of REDD, specifically on whom the burdens and benefits fall. First, REDD implementation has proven more difficult and costly than originally anticipated.

Carbon Pricing, Climate Change, Forestry