Promoting Small-Scale Aquaculture in Chile: Location-based Livelihood Choices

Submitted by Petra Hansson on

Summary. Chile has established unique marine resource user rights to reduce resource over-exploitation and expand economic opportunities in coastal areas. These rights sometimes overlap, so that one household might be involved in more than one activity, and also leave out some people who might want to participate.


Promoting small scale aquaculture in southern Chile: Targeting across time and location

Submitted by Petra Hansson on


Chile has a 6,345 km long coastline with a productive marine ecosystem. Coastal communities depend heavily on fish resources for their livelihood but resource depletion threatens those livelihoods. Local people have deep roots in their communities and lifestyles, which limits their willingness to change their work to non-marine activities. The development of small-scale aquaculture has been proposed as a means to generate new income opportunities. 

Policy lessons 


The multigenerational impacts of educational expansion: Evidence from Vietnam

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

We investigate the multigenerational effects of a primary school expansion program in Vietnam. In the directly affected generation, the expansion increases educational attainment, literacy, non-agricultural economic activity, earnings and the intergenerational educational mobility. It increases human capital investments in the children of the directly affected generation, with increased educational expenditures, school enrollment, and health investments, and a reduction in child labor.

Policy Design

We can incorporate agriculture ecosystems into urban green economy in Tanzania: Dar es Salaam households are willing to pay

Submitted by Petra Hansson on

We are living in a crisis era, with competing land use for finite land and ill-informed myopic urban land-use policies that remain stagnant, in a world with a rapidly changing urban environment, such as the mushrooming urban agriculture. While smallholder farms in and around cities, in sub-Saharan Africa, provide many ecosystem services including boosting household income and nutrition, and access to land constraints these benefits. This paper examines the willingness to pay for urban farm plots, using a random parameter logit model.

Agriculture, Climate Change, Land, Policy Design, Urban

Happy at Work in Africa? Measuring Hedonic Well‑Being Among Water Carriers in Rural Kenya Using the Experience Sampling Method

Submitted by Jane Nyawira Maina on
Despite work’s importance in people’s overall sense of purpose in life, several studies measuring momentary well-being find that people are very unhappy while at work. These studies have focused on workers in industrialized countries doing paid labor in the formal sector. For a large fraction of humanity, however, “work” is smallholder farming, tending cattle, and collecting water and fuelwood. We measure momentary well-being with the Experience Sampling Method in a sample of 195 subjects in rural Kenya. Subjects were the household’s main water carrier; 93% were women.

Africa needs context-relevant evidence to shape its clean energy future

Submitted by Petra Hansson on

Aligning development and climate goals means Africa’s energy systems will be based on clean energy technologies in the long term, but pathways to get there are uncertain and variable across countries. Although current debates about natural gas and renewables in Africa are heated, they largely ignore the substantial context specificity of the starting points, development objectives and uncertainties of each African country’s energy system trajectory.

Energy, Policy Design