Hoka, Helen

Helen Hoka Osiolo is an EfD-Kenya Research Fellow and currently a Research Associate at Sustainable Transitions: Energy, Environment, and Resilience (STEER) at Loughborough University. Previously, she worked as a lecturer at Strathmore University. She holds a PhD in Economics with a specialization in Environmental Economics and Public Finance. Additionally, she serves as an Associate Editor with the Energy for Sustainable Development Journal.

Research interests.

Helen's research centers on advancing the energy sector, particularly in renewable energy and policy development. She has analyzed costs, returns, and investment strategies crucial for sustainable transitions in renewable electricity generation. Helen has also conducted comprehensive studies on energy consumption and demand, financing for decentralized renewable energy initiatives, and explored the integration of green economy principles into national energy and climate strategies.


Helen has mentored individuals pursuing: 1 PhD (on-going), 9 master's degrees, and 26 undergraduate qualifications.

Grants and consultancy

  1. C-DICE (2024-2025): SPARK – Small Molecular Reactors Perceptions: Advantages, and Risks Knowledge.
  2. EPSRC (2024-2026): Socio-technical Study of Electricity Demand, Efficiency and Flexibility in the Urban Housing Sector of Burkina Faso.
  3. German Institute for Development Research (2022-2024): Science Futures: Between “intensification” and “conservation” discourses on African rural development.
  4. University of Cologne and University of Bonn (2022-2024): Energy Futures: Infrastructures and governance for renewable energies.

Policy engagement


  • Awarded a Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing with the Editors of Energy for Sustainable Development in 2018, Elsevier, Amsterdam
  • Awarded Early Career Researcher of the Year 2019, Awarded by Strathmore University.

Curriculum vitae

People | 30 January 2020