Dependence on environmental resources and implications for household welfare: Evidence from the Kalahari drylands, South Africa

Submitted by Byela Tibesigwa on

This paper examines dependence on environmental resources and impacts on household welfare among the indigenous San and Mier rural communities neighbouring Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in South Africa. Data on the various household income types, including environmental income, were collected through a structured survey of 200 households. Environmental income constituted 20% of the total income. The poorest income quintile showed the highest relative dependence on environmental income (31%), though absolute environmental income increased with total income.

Forestry, Policy Design

Poverty Persistence and Intra-Household Heterogeneity in Occupations: Evidence from Urban Ethiopia

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
EfD Authors:

Previous studies of poverty in developing countries have to a great extent focused on the characteristics of the household head and used these as proxies for the underlying ability of the household to generate income. This paper uses five rounds of panel data to investigate the persistence of poverty in urban Ethiopia, with a particular focus on the role of intra-household heterogeneity in occupations.


The impact of ecotourism employment on rural household incomes and social welfare in six southern African countries

Submitted by Byela Tibesigwa on

Rural African communities are largely characterised by high levels of unemployment and poverty, low skills levels and a heavy reliance on natural resources. Increasing populations, together with the impacts of climate change, are putting pressure on natural resources and the issue of sustainable land use is becoming critically important. Ecotourism is one possible sustainable land use which can also assist with both local socioeconomic development and biodiversity conservation.

Policy Design

Biofuels Can Have a Win-win Outcome that Improves Smallholder Productivity and Increases Household Welfare

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Rising prices of fossil fuels, together with apprehension about the environmental harm created by them, have resulted in increasing efforts to search for alternative energy sources such as biofuels. Biofuels production is still a debatable issue regarding the opportunities it creates and the challenges it poses.

Climate Change, Conservation, Energy, Forestry

Poverty Persistence and Intra-Household Heterogeneity in Occupations: Evidence from Ethiopia

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
EfD Authors:

Previous studies of poverty in developing countries have to a great extent focused on the characteristics of the household head and used these as proxies for the underlying ability of the household to generate income.


Distributional Differences in Upper Tail Observation of Per capital Household Expenditure in Tanzania in 2001 and 2007

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on
EfD Authors:

Recent economic growth in Tanzania has not been matched by a corresponding reduction in poverty when compared with similar episode of growth in countries such as Uganda, Ghana, etc. This has raised heated debate, whereby some analysts argue that problem lies on the GDP is compiled, and other on the validity of Household Budget Survey (HBS) data. This paper contributes to that debate by  analyzing the distribution of upper tail observation using he Generalized Pareto Distributions show that HBS 2007 is characterized by extreme values of per capita expenditure when compares to 2001.

Policy Design

The persistence of subjective poverty in urban Ethiopia

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Using data spanning 15 years, we study subjective and consumption poverty in urban Ethiopia. Despite rapid economic growth and declining consumption poverty, subjective poverty remains largely unchanged.
