Kinship, Tenure Insecurity, Input Use, and Land Productivity: The Case of Sharecropping in Ethiopia

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This chapter of the book assess the output levels and fertiliser input levels of kin and non-kin sharecropped tenants’ plots, using the sharecropping tenants’ owner-operated land as counterfactual.


Sustainable Agricultural Practices and Agricultural Productivity in Ethiopia: Does Agroecology Matter?

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This paper uses data from household- and plot-level surveys conducted in the highlands of the Tigray and Amhara regions of Ethiopia to examine the contribution of sustainable land-management practices to net values of agricultural production in areas with low- and high-agricultural potential.

Agriculture, Policy Design

Agricultural Investment and Productivity - Building Sustainability in East Africa

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Agricultural Investment and Productivity provides a deep and systematic look at the opportunities for and constraints to investments in sustainable agriculture in East Africa, offering important insights into what works and how to analyze agricultural investments in one of the poorest regions of the world.

Agriculture, Policy Design

Does Environmental Economics Produce Aeroplanes Without Engines? - On the Need for an Environmental Social Science

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In this paper we first critically review conventional environmental economics. We conclude that the standard theory offers too narrow a perspective for many real world problems and that many theories are not empirically tested. Consequently, environmental economics is at risk of producing aeroplanes without engines.

Does Eco-Certification have Environmental Benefits? Organic Coffee in Costa Rica

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We find that organic certification improves coffee growers’ environmental performance. It significantly reduces chemical input use and increases adoption of some environmentally friendly management practices.


Climate Change Policy in Africa with Special Reference to Energy and Land Use

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While Africa has contributed marginally to climate change, the continent will be disproportionately affected by it, particularly the agricultural sector. Climate change demands policy action to address mitigation and adaptation needs, and it poses opportunities in implementation of international instruments.

Agriculture, Climate Change, Energy

Climate Change and Total Factor Productivity in the Tanzanian Economy: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis

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The paper analyses the economic impacts of climate change-induced adjustments on the performance of the Tanzanian economy, using a country-wide CGE model. The general equilibrium framework enables comparison of the effects of climate change to the overall growth of the economy, as responsiveness to shocks is likely to depend on the macroeconomic structure of the economy.

Climate Change

Impacts of the Productive Safety Net Program in Ethiopia on livestock

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We evaluated the impacts of the Ethiopian Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) on rural households' holdings of livestock and forest assets/trees. We found no indication that participation in PSNP induces households to disinvest in livestock or trees. In fact, households that participated in the program increased the number of trees planted, but there was no increase in their livestock holdings.

Agriculture, Forestry