Over fishing of Nile perch in Lake Victoria

EfD Tanzania Pressrelease 2008-11-02 Nile perch stocks in Lake Victoria have declined dramatically over the last years. Ten factories around the lake have closed and the remaining 25 are operating…

| Tanzania

Regulatory Compliance in Lake Victoria Fisheries

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This analysis of the fishers’ compliance with regulations in Lake Victoria, Tanzania, gives support to the traditional economics-of-crime model and shows that the extension of the basic deterrence model can lead to a richer model with substantially higher explanatory power.



Technical Efficiency and the Role of Skipper Skill in Artisanal Lake Victoria Fisheries

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EfD Authors:

This paper studies technical efficiency and skipper skill (and explores potential proxies), using Tanzanian fishery data for the two major species, Nile perch and dagaa. The relative level of efficiency is high in both fisheries, and several observable variables linked to skipper skill significantly explain the efficiency level. However, given the rapidly depleting fish stocks in Lake Victoria, increased efficiency at the aggregate level is only possible if fishing effort is limited.

