Using Data on Social Influence and Collective Action for Parameterizing a Geographically-Explicit Agent-Based Model for the Diffusion of Soil Conservation Efforts

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Social influence affects individual decision-making on soil conservation. Understanding the emergent diffusion of collective conservation effort is relevant to natural resource management at the river basin level. This study focuses on the effect of subjective norms and collective action on the diffusion of Soil Conservation Effort (SCE) in the Lake Naivasha basin (Kenya) for the period 1965–2010. A geographically-explicit Agent-Based Model (ABM) version of the CONSUMAT model was developed: the CONSERVAT model.


The Driving Forces of Co2 Emissions and Its Responsiveness in Ethiopia: An Integrated Analysis Using Vector Error Correction Model

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The main objective of this study is to examine the driving factors of CO2 emissions in Ethiopia to promote sustainable development. This study, employees an integrated approach of the multiplicative product of Population, Affluence, and Technology (IPAT) identity as a framework using Vector Error Correction Model (VECM).

Climate Change

Households’ Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Improved Solid Waste Management Interventions Using Choice Experiment Approach: Debre Tabor Town, Northwest Ethiopia

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Good Solid Waste Management (SWM) practices are indispensable for maintaining quality environment and the health of urban dwellers in most developing countries, like Ethiopia. However, for successful implementation of adequate SWM options, households’ preferences and their Willingness to Pay (WTP) should be taken in to consideration. The main aim of this study was to analyse the preferences of households’ and estimate the WTP for improved SWM service attributes in the form of money income and labor effort using choice experiment approach.

Fishing community preferences and willingness to pay for alternative developments of ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) for Lake Naivasha, Kenya

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Ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) is an important complement to existing fisheries management approaches to maintain ecosystem health and function; to translate goals and aspirations for sustainability into operational objectives, the preferences of the fishing communities should be considered for successful implementation of EBFM. This study analysed the preferences of the fishing community for alternative EBFM developments for Lake Naivasha, Kenya, and estimated the willingness to pay, using a choice experiment approach.


Determinants of enterprises use of energy efficient technologies: Evidence from urban Ethiopia

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This paper examines the determinants of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises’ adoption of energy efficiency practices and technologies, using cross-sectional data of 8174 randomly selected enterprises from ten major urban areas of Ethiopia. For identification, the study relys on a generalized ordered probit model. The findings reveal that, as the size of the enterprise becomes larger, it is more likely the enterprise will undertake energy efficient practices and technologies.
