Monitoring and Enforcement: Is Two-Tier Regulation Robust? – A case study of Ankleshwar, India

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EfD Authors:

The regulation of industrial pollution is difficult in a rapidly industrialising, low-income setting. This study looks at the efforts to regulate chemical plants in Ankleshwar, the largest chemical estate in Asia.


Climate Change

Index number analysis of Namibian water intensity

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EfD Authors:

There has long been a great deal of interest in methods for analyzing energy use and energy use intensities. Many methods developed within energy studies are also applicable in other areas where materials use is of interest, but in several cases these methods have not been applied to other materials.


Swedish Consumer Preferences for Animal Welfare and Biotech: A Choice Experiment

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This paper compares consumer preferences for immunocastration versus surgical castration and no castration using willingness- to-pay estimates from a choice experiment.

Results suggest that consumers place a higher value on pork from immunocastrated pigs than pork from surgically castrated pigs. In contrast, consumers reveal negative valuations of pork from intact boars as compared to pork from surgical castrates. We also show how a binary heteroskedastic logit model can be used to accommodate a larger variance for later choice sets within a choice experiment.

Policy Design

Optimal environmental road pricing

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An optimal first-best road charge should not only be differentiated with respect to factors that affect the direct external environmental and time costs from the road-user himself.

Indirect effects, such as the fact that others’ cars will be more polluting when congestion increases, should also be taken into account.


Climate Change

Preferences for domestic fuel: Analysis with socio-economic factors and rankings in Kolkata, India

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The choice of domestic fuel is a matter of great concern for households and policy makers in India. This paper investigates the demand for domestic fuels when households face four choices: Fuelwood, Coal, Kerosene and LPG.


Forestry, Policy Design

Corporate environmental management in transition economies: The case of Central and Eastern Europe

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We use firm-level data to study the adoption of Environmental Management Practices
(EMPs) in the most polluting industrial sectors in Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland,
Romania, and Slovakia during the 1990 – 1998 period when these countries were in a
transition away from a centrally planned economy.

Climate Change

Using cheap talk as a test of validity in choice experiments

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In two experiments on the choice of consumer goods, the estimated marginal willingness to pay for food is found to be lower in the survey version with cheap talk.

Our test can be seen as a test of hypothetical bias. This implies that we cannot reject the hypothesis of a hypothetical bias for marginal WTP in choice experiments.


Peter Frykblom and Carl Johan Lagerkvist


Welfare Implication of Community Forest Plantations in Developing Countries: The Orissa Social Forestry Project

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Community forest plantations are a common intervention in developing countries. We use household and remote sensing data from Orissa, India, to estimate welfare effects of community forest plantations, in terms of the value of decreased collection times plantations afford users.



Does stake size matter in trust games

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The proportion of money sent, which is typically assumed to reflect trust, decreased significantly as the stake
size was increased in a trust game conducted in rural Bangladesh.

Nevertheless, even with very large stakes, most senders and receivers sent substantial fractions.
