Clean Fuel Saving Technology Adoption in Urban Ethiopia

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The heavy dependence and inefficient utilization of biomass resources have contributed to the depletion of forest resources in Ethiopia, while the use of traditional cooking technology has also been linked to indoor air pollution and poor health. In response, the government and other institutions have pushed for the adoption of new cooking technologies, with limited success.




Energy, Gender and Development - What are the Linkages? Where is the Evidence?

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The objective of the report is to review the literature on the links between energy access, welfare, and gender in order to provide evidence on where gender considerations in the energy sector matter and how they might be addressed.


Environmental and development issues in Latin America: moving forward

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Economists in Latin America are moving beyond the prevailing ‘macro’ orientation of their research focusing more on questions linked to development and the use and management of the environmental resource base in the region.

Experiments, Policy Design

Preferences for domestic fuel: Analysis with socio-economic factors and rankings in Kolkata, India

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The choice of domestic fuel is a matter of great concern for households and policy makers in India. This paper investigates the demand for domestic fuels when households face four choices: Fuelwood, Coal, Kerosene and LPG.


Forestry, Policy Design