Consumer Benefits of Labels and Bans on GM Foods - Choice Experiments with Swedish Consumers

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The European Union has been relatively cautious about using biotechnology in food production. A label regime combined with the right of individual member states to ban introduction of new genetically modified (GM) strains means thatGMfood products in effect are banned in many countries.

We show how it is possible to empirically test whether a ban can be motivated by reference to potential negative externalities. This is followed up by results from a choice experiment.We cannot reject the hypothesis of equal WTP for a ban and a labeling scheme.


Small-scale Fishermen and Risk Preferences

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Using an experimental approach, we investigate the risk preferences of artisanal fishermen in Tanzania waters of Lake Victoria. The experiment concerns pairwise comparisons of hypothetical fishing trips that vary in expected mean and spread of the net revenue.


Explaining Environmental Management in Central and Eastern Europe

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The paper analyzes the adoption of various environmental management systems (EMS) by industrial firms in Central and Eastern Europe approximately eight years after economic transitions began.

Climate Change

Optimal harvesting in an age-class model with age-specific mortalities: An example from Namibian linefishing

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Namibia’s main linefish species, the kob, is subject to age-specific fishing mortalities that differ for the two fisheries (commercial linefishing vessels and recreational anglers) exploiting it.



Fisheries Economics and 20 Years with Marine Resource Economics: A Citation Analysis

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EfD Authors:

This paper reviews the impact of articles published in the Marine Resource Economics (MRE) and within the field of fisheries economics in general over the period 1954–2004. Specific attention is given to the years 1984–2004, which is the period that MRE has been published.


Honestly, why are you driving a BMW?

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This paper proposes that people derive utility not only from goods or their attributes as in standard models, but also from their self-image as influenced by their own perception of their preferences. In a representative survey, most respondents considered their own concern for status when purchasing a car to be minor in comparison with the status concerns of others.

Climate Change