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Displaying 51 - 60 of 190 publications

Due to the increasing speed and impacts of climate change, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and countries around the world are calling for active participation from…

| Report | Vietnam

As per today (2021), in total some 500 TWh bunker fuel is consumed within the shipping sector annually within EU waters and approximately 25 TWh of this (5%) is LNG (Liquefied natural gas). The fleet…

| Report | Global Hub

The study assessed the impact of CCAFS engagement at policy and household level in Kenya. Specifically, the study assessed the extent to which CCAFS engagement contributed to the observed changes in...

| Report | Kenya

This report summarizes the findings from the Organizational Endline Survey (OES) carried out in Nyando Climate-Smart Village in June and July 2021. The survey is a complementary module to the...

| Report | Kenya

The project has investigated experiences of and prerequisites for applying environmental compensation within a municipal planning context. The project has examined environmental compensation as a…

| Report | Global Hub

Sweetpotato value chains are changing rapidly due to changing weather, consumption patterns, increasing incomes, increased awareness and demand for quality products by consumers (Okello et al., 2018)...

| Report | Uganda

Since 2012 the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) has been piloting the Climate-Smart Villages (CSVs) approach in East Africa, including the Nyando basin...

| Report | Kenya

Trafikanalys har regeringens uppdrag att följa upp den nationella godstransportstrategins genomförande och att utvärdera resultatet av arbetet under perioden 2018–2022. I denna rapport har IVL Svenska…

| Report | Global Hub

Denna rapport är skriven på uppdrag av den offentliga utredningen ”Giftfri och cirkulär återföring av fosfor från avloppsslam, M 2018:08”. Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka miljöpåverkan samt…

| Report | Global Hub