Displaying 761 - 770 of 3650 publications

Abstract Coastal communities that depend on small-scale fisheries (SSFs) are poorly understood. Designing policies to address their vulnerabilities requires an understanding of the socioeconomic…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Colombia

Many households in Kenya depend on charcoal as an important source of energy. However, overharvesting of trees and the use of inefficient technologies promote unsustainable charcoal production...

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

Background - African indigenous vegetables are important for food security and nutrition, and income of the poor farm households. In the era of COVID-19, they are critical for boosting people’s...

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

Expansionary monetary policy is a major driver of economic changes via money supply. Broad money, which represents total money supply in an economy, has several economic impacts. The study examines…

| Peer Reviewed | Nigeria

Environmental compensation (EC) aims at addressing environmental losses due to development projects and involves a need to compare development losses with compensation gains using relevant metrics. A…

| Peer Reviewed | Global Hub

This article examines global trends likely to influence forests and tree-based systems and considers the poverty implications of these interactions. The trends, identified through a series of expert…

| Peer Reviewed |

This paper uses data from an employee tracking survey in China for about 6000 incumbent workers to document their dynamic labor market outcomes throughout the year 2020. I find that the employment…

| Peer Reviewed | China

Distinctive regional characteristics in different natural gas markets have increased the difficulty in accurately forecasting natural gas prices. Moreover, the natural gas markets have experienced…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam

Rapid increases in electricity consumption in Southeast Asia caused by rising living standards and population raise concerns about energy security, affordability and environmental sustainability. In…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam