Displaying 2421 - 2430 of 3650 publications

The economic importance of the various attributes of dryland nature-based tourism in the Kgalagadi area is generally unknown, as is the distribution of benefits from such tourism. This study seeks to…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

This report presents an evaluation of the Environmental Economics Program (EEP), that consists of the two sub-programs; Academic Capacity Building Program at University of Gothenburg (CBP) and the…

| Report |

Given the considerable popularity of community-based wildlife management as a conservation tool, it is of interest to assess the long-run sustainability of this policy not only in conservation terms…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

Because the effectiveness of payment for ecosystem services (PES) programs depends on landowners’ engagement, understanding the relationship between the type of payment and participation is a key…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Sweden

In this paper, we investigate how different levels of entrance fees affect donations for a public good, a natural park. To explore this issue, the researchers conducted a stated preference study…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Central America, Sweden

Jorge Dresdner wrote an opinion article about discards in Chilean fisheries.

| Other Publications | Chile

This paper derives Pareto-efficient provision rules for national and global public goods in a two-country world, where each individual cares about his or her relative consumption of private goods…

| Peer Reviewed |

On 31 March, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its latest report on the impacts of climate change on humans and ecosystems ( see These are real risks…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

This paper concerns optimal redistributive non-linear income taxation in an OLG model, where people care about their own consumption relative to (i) other people's current consumption, (ii) own past…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

Although the financial and economic crises have diverted attention from global and local environmental threats and natural resources management issues in developing and developed economies…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden