Displaying 1951 - 1960 of 3650 publications

El Programa Agroambiental Mesoamericano (MAP, por sus siglas en inglés) constituyó una plataforma de investigación, educación y desarrollo a la que se vincularon múltiples actores, incluyendo…

| Report | Central America

Este documento resume los principales hallazgos de un estudio orientado a determinar cuán Climáticamente Inteligentes son las prácticas agropecuarias que el CATIE (Centro Agronómico Tropical de…

| Policy Brief | Central America

Este documento resume los principales hallazgos de un estudio orientado a determinar cuán climáticamente inteligentes son las prácticas agropecuarias, que el CATIE (Centro Agronómico Tropical de…

| Policy Brief | Central America

Rapid climatic and socio-economic changes challenge current agricultural R&D capacity. The necessary quantum leap in knowledge generation should build on the innovation capacity of farmers themselves…

| Peer Reviewed | Central America

This study sought to identify agroforestry systems with coffee that simultaneously generate financial profits, provide goods for family consumption, and store significant amounts of carbon in…

| Peer Reviewed | Central America

The use of small-scale off-grid renewable energy for rural electrification is now seen as part of the sustainable energy solutions. The expectation from such small-scale investment is that it can meet…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

Policy makers and utility managers can use a variety of tariff structures to calculate customers’ bills for water and sanitation services, ranging from a simple flat monthly fee to complicated…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Kenya

The use of small-scale off-grid renewable energy for rural electrification is now seen as one sustainable energy solution. The expectations from such small-scale investment include meeting basic…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Kenya

The Gram-Charlier Expansion (GCE) of the Gaussian density under GARCH framework has been widely used to model the conditional dynamic higher moments. Compared with other generalized distributions…

| Peer Reviewed | China

We propose a closed-form pricing formula for the Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index (CBOE VIX) futures based on the classic discrete-time Heston–Nandi GARCH model. The parameters are…

| Peer Reviewed | China