Displaying 1491 - 1500 of 3650 publications

Climate change is likely to affect water availability and therefore hydropower generation in many regions of the world. In drying regions, hydropower generation may be impaired, creating a need for…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Forests in lower-income countries provide a global public good, carbon sequestration. REDD, "reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation" is a performance-based payment designed to…

| Peer Reviewed |

The growth-induced effects of financial development have been well-established in the empirical literature, as well as the significance of financial development to energy demand behavior. However, the…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

In 2015, Malawi became one of Africa’s first countries to impose a ban on plastic bags, following global concerns around the environmental damages caused by single-use plastics and joining a surge of…

| Report | South Africa

This paper examines relationships between crop insurance and input technology decisions among Chilean wheat farmers. Using nationwide farm-level data, a bivariate probit model is estimated. We…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

This paper examines relationships between crop insurance participation and input technology decisions among Chilean wheat farmers. Using nation-wide farm-level data from the National Agriculture and…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Chile

Abstract It has been demonstrated that most people have a limited understanding of atmospheric CO2 accumulation. Labeled stock-flow (SF) failure, this phenomenon has even been suggested as an…

| Peer Reviewed | Global Hub

Often a single blood pressure (BP) measurement is used to diagnose and manage hypertension in busy clinics. However, repeated BP measurements have been shown to be more representative of the true BP…

| Peer Reviewed | India

The interactions between climate and land‐use change are dictating the distribution of flora and fauna and reshuffling biotic community composition around the world. Tropical mountains are…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Understanding the cost of the road traffic accidents (RTAs) has been of interest to many scholars and policy makers for a long time. In Uganda like many developing countries in 2 Africa, injuries due…

| Peer Reviewed | Uganda