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Displaying 101 - 110 of 190 publications

In the period 2015-2018, the City of Cape Town experienced a sustained drought that eventually reduced the city’s usable reserves to 10% of capacity. Fortunately, there were individual water meters in…

| EfD Discussion Paper | South Africa

In Addis Ababa, an increasing block tariff has been used to calculate households’ monthly bills for electricity and water services. This study estimates the magnitudes of the combined water and…

| Discussion Paper | Central America

Women Collecting Water in Rural Kenya Report They Would Prefer Doing Other Activities. Contrary to a widely-held belief that rural women enjoy collecting water because it gets them out of the house…

| Research Brief | Kenya

Cape Town made world headlines in 2018 as a major city on the brink of seeing its taps run dry. Its predicament drew attention to the challenge that water scarcity presents for cities in the 21st…

| EfD Discussion Paper | South Africa

To expand and maintain water supply infrastructure in rural regions of devel​oping countries, planners and policymakers need better information on the preferences of households who might use the…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Kenya

Inhabitants of the upper Himalayan regions entertain a belief that the Chir Pine trees are ingressing the Broadleaf forest areas and that these areas are gradually turning into water stressed regions…

| Peer Reviewed | India

A key strategy for adapting to changing water availability and rapid urbanization is a move towards full cost recovery tariffs for water and sanitation services. Because these services are…

| EfD Discussion Paper |

This paper investigates direct and spillover effects of a social information campaign aimed at encouraging residential water savings in Colombia. The campaign was organized as a randomized field…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile, Sweden

The Cape Town Water Map is an innovative and somewhat controversial behavior‐modification tool implemented to reduce water use in a drought‐stricken region.

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

The nexus between climate change, agriculture, and poverty has become a major topic of concern, especially for dry regions, which represent a large share of the world’s population and ecosystems…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile