City of Cape Town's Water Map

Peer Reviewed
30 August 2018

Ken Sinclair-Smith, Susan Mosdell, Gisela Kaiser, Ziyaad Lalla, Leandre September, Collin Mubadiro, Sarah Rushmere, Katherine Roderick, Johanna Brühl, Megan McLaren, Martine Visser

The Cape Town Water Map is an innovative and somewhat controversial behavior‐modification tool implemented to reduce water use in a drought‐stricken region.

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Publication reference
Sinclair-Smith, K., Mosdell, S., Kaiser, G., Lalla, Z., September, L., Mubadiro, C., … Visser, M. (2018). City of Cape Town’s Water Map. Journal - American Water Works Association, 110(9), 62–66. doi:10.1002/awwa.1154
Publication | 16 March 2021