Displaying 61 - 70 of 79 publications

Dependency of urban Ethiopian households on rural areas for about 85 percent of their fuel needs is a significant cause of deforestation and forest degradation, resulting in growing fuel scarcity and…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Ethiopia, Global Hub

Land degradation is a major problem undermining land productivity in the highlands of Ethiopia. This study explores the factors that affect farm households’ decisions at the plot level to invest in…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Ethiopia

Trees have both economic and ecological purposes in rural Ethiopia, supplying households with wood products for consumption and sale, and decreasing soil degradation. The authors used cross-sectional…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Ethiopia, Global Hub

We analyze roles of tenure insecurity and household endowments in explaining tree growing in Ethiopia, where farmers cannot sell or mortgage land and factor markets are imperfect. Unlike most other…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

We evaluated the impacts of the Ethiopian Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) on rural households’ holdings of livestock and forest assets including trees, applying both regression analysis and…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Sweden, Ethiopia

This paper analyzes the correlates of aggregated and disaggregated indices of common property forest management (CPFM) and the relationship between CPFM and the decision to grow trees and the number…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Ethiopia

This paper examines the multiple fuel choices of urban households in major Ethiopian cities, using panel data collected in 2000 and 2004. The results suggest that as urban and rural households’ total…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Ethiopia, Global Hub

Fertilizer use (including dung) in Ethiopia is low, particularly in the northern highlands, where dung is a significant source of household fuel. This study examined the determinants of (1) rural…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Ethiopia, Global Hub

This study will review the past studies of the cost of land degradation in Ethiopia, assess the major methodological and conceptual issues and problems existing in the different approaches, compare…

| Report | Ethiopia

This paper is an application of the contingent valuation method on community plantations in the highlands of Ethiopia. A discrete-continuous elicitation format was applied. It was found that there is…

| Discussion Paper | Sweden, Ethiopia, Global Hub