Displaying 231 - 240 of 258 publications

The authors investigated the impact of soil and water conservation (SWC) investment on farm productivity in Kenya. They focused on plots with and without SWC, testing whether increased SWC is…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Kenya, Global Hub

Satisfaction of communities living close to forests with forest management authorities is essential for ensuring continued support for conservation efforts. However, more often than not, community…

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

The revitalization of Machakos, Kenya, from overpopulation and resource degradation—seemingly by its population growth—has added another round to the Boserupian vs. Malthusian debate, and may make…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Sweden, Kenya

Soil erosion is a major environmental problem and threat to rural development in Kenya. Numerous attempts to address the problem have apparently had little success. There are however some districts…

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

The paper examines the determinants in wetland fisheries in the Yala Swamp on the coast of Lake Victoria in Kenya with an aim to guide policy on an integrated approach towards sustainable management…

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

Despite some recent signs of resurgence, the manufacturing sector in Africa had stagnated and has been performing poorly, lagging all other regions of the world—a trend reflecting several factors and...

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

As bilateral and multilateral donors transition the role of funding HIV programs to the governments of low- and middle-income countries, pressure to manage scarce resources can mount. Yet many...

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

Commercial banks in Kenya have faced daunting challenges that touch on various key financial performance indicators and therefore impacting on performance. Credit risk affects the key financial...

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

Climate change and variability poses a significant hindrance on agricultural productivity. The adverse effects are particularly concerning in many African countries that rely more on rainfed...

| Other Publications | South Africa, Kenya

The energy sector is a crucial enabler to economic growth in many countries. Consequently, there are a number of private firms, governments and development partners who are heavily investing huge...

| Discussion Paper | Kenya