Displaying 31 - 40 of 283 publications
This policy note provides a snapshot of water and sanitation measures implemented by governments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in 14 countries in the Global South: Costa Rica, El Salvador…
| Peer Reviewed | South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, Chile, Vietnam, Uganda, Kenya, Central America and MexicoRational antibiotic prescribing is crucial to combat antibiotic resistance. Optimal strategies to improve antibiotic use are not known. Strama, the Swedish strategic program against antibiotic…
| Peer Reviewed | Chile, Sweden, Central America and MexicoCOVID-19 is currently having major short run effects with possible serious long run implications for the environment and the management of natural resources in Latin America. We discuss the possible…
| Peer Reviewed | Colombia, Chile, Central America and MexicoThe polluting of marine ecosystems with plastics is both a global and a local problem with potentially severe consequences for wildlife, economic activity, and human health. It is a problem that…
| Peer Reviewed | South Africa, India, Chile, Vietnam, Sweden, Tanzania, Central America and Mexico2015 was a special year. During a few months the political stars aligned and made it possible for the international community to agree on the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and the Paris…
| Peer Reviewed | India, Colombia, China, Vietnam, Sweden, Central America and Mexico, Global HubThe Convention on Biological Diversity’s Aichi Targets include target goals of setting aside a percentage of marine areas as marine protected areas (MPAs). One purpose of marine protected areas is to…
| Research Brief | Central America and MexicoWith many countries seeking to increase the area conserved in marine protected areas (MPAs) to achieve the Convention on Biodiversity’s protected area targets by 2020, we employ a bioeconomic model to…
| EfD Discussion Paper | Central America and MexicoResearchers and officials interested in people’s attitudes toward risk when designing public policies should make sure that their questions about risk are asked in the specific context of the policy…
| Research Brief | Sweden, Central America and Mexico