Displaying 21 - 30 of 283 publications

Highlights • Avoiding 1% of catchment's forest loss reduces chemicals use by 0.026% in Costa Rica. • Improving the turbidity by 1% decreases 0.005% aluminum sulfate needed at the water plants. • The…

| Peer Reviewed | Central America and Mexico

La guía busca difundir el enfoque de economía circular y proveer, tanto a los gobiernos locales de Costa Rica, como a otros actores del ámbito local, las pautas sobre cómo materializar su interés de...

| Other Publications | Central America and Mexico

In a randomized trial, researchers assessed whether an externally encouraged, community-based monitoring program improved water management. Although replications are needed, the results imply that...

| Peer Reviewed | Central America and Mexico

The purpose of this manual is to guide technicians, specially those who are working as extensionists with small and medium scale farms, through the process of supporting the implementation of the...

| Other Publications | Central America and Mexico

Livestock farming plays an important role in global climate change, representing 14.5 % of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. With 1.9 GtCO2e emitted annually, the Latin American and...

| Policy Brief | Central America and Mexico

Although there is growing recognition that that extreme weather events pose significant challenges to Central American agriculture, little is known about what factors influence farmers' implementation...

| Book Chapter | Central America and Mexico

Livestock farming plays an important role in global climate change, representing 14.5% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHC) emissions. With 1.9 GtCO2e emitted annually, the Latin American and...

| Policy Brief | Central America and Mexico

The purpose of this manual is to guide technicians, specially those who are working as extensionists with small and medium scale farms, through the process of supporting the implementation of the...

| Other Publications | Central America and Mexico

Abstract We conduct a natural field experiment on the effect of having a celebrity endorse an information campaign aiming to induce pro-environmental behavior in the context of single-use plastics…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Vietnam, Sweden, Central America and Mexico

Energy has been called the “golden thread” that connects economic growth, social equity and environmental sustainability, but important knowledge gaps exist on the impacts of low- and middle-income…

| Peer Reviewed | China, Chile, Sweden, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Kenya, Central America and Mexico, Global Hub