Household electricity consumption inefficiency and poverty: Evidence from Ghana

Submitted by Petra Hansson on

Key Messages 

Improvements in household electricity consumption resulting from efficiency improvements have the potential to reduce household electricity expenditure, and consequently the level of poverty among households. However, little is known about the extent to which improvement in electricity consumption efficiency can reduce poverty. Our study finds that: 

Climate Change, Energy, Policy Design

Ghost fishing gear and their effect on ecosystem services – Identification and knowledge gaps

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

Abandoned, lost, and discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) is claimed to be a global problem with impacts on marine animals and ecosystems, posing considerable ecological and socioeconomic challenges. Nonetheless, insufficient understanding regarding how marine ecosystem services are affected by ALDFG creates a knowledge gap that challenges a holistic estimation of the long-term economic impacts of using non-degradable fishing gear.


6 PhD positions and 1 postdoc position coming up – seeking expressions of interest

April 2023: New research project led by several research institutions in Germany: A social-ecological systems approach to inform ecosystem restoration in rural Africa

Ecosystem restoration is a global challenge. The German Research Foundation is funding a new research project that will investigate the social and ecological consequences of ecosystem restoration in rural Africa, with a particular focus on western Rwanda, and in collaboration with many Rwandan stakeholders.

High-Level Research Agenda

for a low-carbon transition in the Global South The Global South is more vulnerable to climate change than the Global North but has less capacity to adapt. A low-carbon transition is needed and most

Economic incentives and political inequality in the management of environmental public goods

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on
EfD Authors:

We study how the allocation of power in a voting procedure affects the regulation and extraction of environmental public goods. In an appropriation game experiment, different endowments induce heterogeneous preferences among the three group members regarding their preferred quota, aimed at increasing social efficiency by restricting aggregate extraction. The players vote by submitting a proposal; one among the submitted proposals is implemented, selected at random, but across treatments, we vary the odds that a type sets the regulation.
