7th November 2019: First policy dialogue at Makerere University

Event Information



Assoc. Professor, Edward Bbaale, Director
Mob. +256783573395
Event type

In  November 7, 2019  the centre hosted its first policy dialogue on Governance and Natural Resources  at Makerere University.The objective was to share research findings the university had come up with that guide government in policy implementation.

The event attracted over 150 participants from public and private sector, research institutions, civil society organizations, representatives from government ministries and agencies, development partners, staff and student from Makerere  University among others .The Research Manager at  the EfD secretariat based at Gothenburg University, Sweden, Dr.  Franklin Amuakwa-Mensah also  graced the occasion.
The half day dialogue organized under the theme, “Governance and Natural Resource Utilization: Challenges, Gaps and Opportunities” was  officially opened by Makerere University Vice Chancellor Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe while the Keynote address was delivered by the Executive Director National  Environment Management Authority (NEMA). Dr. Patrick Byakagaba from the Department of Environmental Management gave the main presentation.

Event | 30 April 2020