
Survey Solutions revolutionizes data management for EfD


EfD is implementing Survey Solutions, a free digital platform from the World Bank, to streamline and enhance its data management processes. This transformative step promises to revolutionize the way EfD conducts surveys, making data collection more cost-effective, reliable, and user-friendly. 

Before integrating Survey Solutions, EfD centers employed varied approaches to data collection, ranging from traditional pen-and-paper methods to costly consultant services. 

Centers have received training 

EfD Global Hub provides server space at the University of Gothenburg and service and support to the EfD centers’ researchers and data managers. 

The implementation of Survey Solutions began in 2022 and by 2023, it has been successfully rolled out at centers in Kenya, Vietnam, Chile, and Nigeria. The key to successful adoption lies in the engagement of one person per center being trained on the platform. The centers have also been provided with tablets to use for this purpose.

Continuous support 

The data is securely stored on the University of Gothenburg’s server, providing a safe repository that fulfills all the legal requirements. Moreover, researchers enjoy direct access to the server, eliminating unnecessary hurdles. Data Manager at EfD’s Global Hub Agustin Petroni provides support in the adoption phase and continues to assist in designing questionnaires, setting up hardware and survey parameters, and piloting surveys. 

The adoption of Survey Solutions helps harmonize questionnaires across centers, promoting standardized practices, and facilitating the re-use of data and future data comparisons. 

As EfD embraces Survey Solutions, it takes a significant step forward in the use of cutting-edge technology for impactful research.

Elly Musembi (far right) and his data collection team in Kenya. Photo: EfD Kenya