EfD Map

About EfD


Environment for Development (EfD) is a global network of research centers specializing in environmental economics. We tackle urgent environmental and development issues worldwide. Our mission is to provide scholars with a dynamic research environment that fosters innovation and impactful solutions. EfD supports vibrant research centers across leading academic institutions, spanning 12 locations in the Global South. These centers not only run graduate academic programs but also engage in high-quality policy research and collaborate with key stakeholders and policymakers.

What sets EfD apart?

Our global reach and ability to combine teaching, training, research, and policy engagement. We connect scholars across borders, emphasizing South-South-North interaction.

In East Africa, we are implementing a model for structured knowledge transfer between policymakers and researchers.

EfD collaborates in international research groups on critical topics such as sustainable energy transition, emissions pricing, sustainable consumption and production, marine resources, and natural capital.

The network is coordinated by the EfD Global Hub, based at the School of Business, Economics, and Law at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Since our inception in 2007, we’ve also forged partnerships with academic institutions in the Global North.

EfD, as a network, is primarily supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). All EfD centers receive external funding for research and policy work from a large number of donors.