Maria del Pilar

EfD Addresses gender inequality from several angles


Gender inequality presents an important challenge for EfD. Gender awareness is crucial in research and policy initiatives, to ensure a comprehensive understanding of environmental and developmental issues. Moreover, EfD strives to include diverse perspectives and talents, fostering an inclusive environment where all voices are valued.

For an organization like EfD, there is also the question of inequality among economists at all levels from undergraduates to professors. Women economists are highly under-represented. There are also many testimonies of how they have been subject to discrimination. 

EfD has stated in its strategy that gender issues have high priority and EfD-funded research should include a gender perspective whenever it’s relevant. 

There have been some activities within the EfD network in 2023 that address gender issues. One is a workshop in Nigeria for women economists on how to write funding proposals and how to take on a leading role in research projects. Another example is a training course for Early Career Research Fellows on gender issues in research.