Yonas Alem

EfD builds academic capacity at several levels


EfD pursues academic capacity development in environmental economics and policy at many levels of education and through multiple formats, including master-level training, doctoral education, and training for civil servants.

EfD is creating new collaborative learning activities at the master’s level, courses, and learning environments, as well as supporting researchers and teachers with new learning material and innovative ways of teaching, including AI. 

In 2023, EfD launched an online learning material: Policies for climate action and circular economy. Cross-country learning activities were organized, with master students from across the globe coming together to discuss topics such as what would be a fair international distribution of future emission rights. 

Pedagogical seminars were organized for researchers and teachers on topics such as Educating for sustainable development through co-learning with society

25 civil servants in East Africa were trained in policies and frameworks for an inclusive 

green economy through the IGE program in 2023. The participants also organized training events where they shared their new knowledge with many of their colleagues. 

Four courses were held at the doctoral level

Academic Writing in Nsukka Nigeria with researchers from EfD Nigeria (14 male and 10 female), in May 2023. 

Research Writing, an online course with Ph.D. students from Addis Ababa University and the University of Rwanda (17 male, 3 female) in November 2023. 

Randomized Control Trials in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam with researchers from EfD Vietnam (19 male and 16 female), November 2023. 

Online Research Mentorship for EfD’s Early Career Fellowship Program (11 female and 9 male) January 1 – December 31, 2023.