Gunnar Köhlin

Welcome to EfD! A note from our Director


We would like to share some of the exciting activities carried out within the global network of environmental economics centers and partners that EfD consists of.

As you can see, the report is organized based on our impact model. It shows how different activities in the organization are jointly achieving impact. In this “decade of action”, as proclaimed by the UN, we all need to focus on maximum impact addressing the local implications of global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss. Impact through evidence-based policies is what EfD aims for.

A necessary condition for such impact is a strong interface between academia and the surrounding society through policy engagement. While this has always been a key feature of EfD, it has been strengthened substantially through the Inclusive Green Economy in Practice program.

Policy engagement needs to build on relevant high-quality applied research. Much of the research carried out by the EfD Research Fellows is still focusing on the local challenges in each country. But increasingly there is also South-South-North collaboration in our thematic programs, each led by one of our centers in the Global South. The research presupposes that there is available well-trained capacity in the countries. EfD ensures that through both local and joint courses, with a special focus on our own “Early-Career Program” that trains the next generation of research leaders in the EfD centers.

There is also an extra focus to support women through our Women in Environmental Economics and Development (WinEED) network. Finally, we have the “bull’s eye” of our impact model – institutional development. It is with great pride that I see how the EfD centers have become vibrant research platforms that are institutionalized within their host universities. EfD, as a global network, is growing in the number of researchers engaged, peer-reviewed publications produced, and policy dialogues held. In this report, we share with you how EfD is part of the solution to the daunting challenges the world is facing. Together we can make a difference.

Gunnar Köhlin

Impact moel
EfD's Impact model