Estimating the economic value of landscape losses due to flooding by hydropower plants in the Chilean Patagonia

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This paper presents a contingent valuation study concerning landscape impact generated by the construction of one dam (Baker 1) of the HIDROAYSEN hydropower project located in the Chilean Patagonia. A survey was used to collect information about citizens' opinion towards the hydropower project in four major cities in Chile. Specifically, a One-and-One-Half-bound (OOHB) willingness to pay eliciting format was applied to capture citizens’ WTP.


What Do Respondents Bring to Contingent Valuation? A Comparison of Monetary and Labor Payment Vehicles

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With contingent valuation, both the goods being valued and the payment vehicles used to value them are mostly hypothetical. However, although numerous studies have examined the impact of experience with the good on willingness to pay, less attention has been given to experience with payment vehicles.

Experiments, Policy Design

What do respondents bring into contingent valuation? A comparison of monetary and labour payment vehicles

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EfD Authors:

In the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), both the goods being valued and the payment vehicles used to value them are mostly hypothetical. However, although numerous studies have examined the impact of experience with the good on the willingness to pay, less attention has been given to experience with the payment vehicles. This paper examines how experience with payment vehicles influences responses to a CV scenario on the maintenance of irrigation canals.

Agriculture, Policy Design

Paying for Mitigation: A Multiple Country Study

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Unique survey data from a contingent valuation study conducted in three different countries (China, Sweden, and the United States) were used to investigate the ordinary citizen’s willingness to pay (WTP) for reducing CO2 emissions. We found that a large majority of the respondents in all three countries believe that the mean global temperature has increased over the last 100 years and that humans are responsible for the increase.

Climate Change

Paying for Mitigation: A Multiple Country Study

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Unique survey data from a contingent valuation study conducted in three different countries (China, Sweden, and the United States) were used to investigate the ordinary citizen’s willingness to pay (WTP) for reducing CO2 emissions. We found that a large majority of the respondents in all three countries believe that the mean global temperature has increased over the last 100 years and that humans are responsible for the increase.

Climate Change

Wildlife Management In Zimbabwe: Evidence From A Contingent Valuation Study

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If communities living adjacent to the elephant see it as a burden, then they cannot be its stewards. To assess their valuation of it, a contingent valuation method study was conducted for one CAMPFIRE district in Zimbabwe.


Private demand for cholera vaccines in rural Matlab, Bangladesh

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Objectives: To estimate household willingness to pay (WTP) for cholera vaccines in a rural area of Bangladesh, which had participated in a 1985 oral cholera vaccine trial. Methods: A contingent valuation study was undertaken in Matlab, Bangladesh in summer 2005. All respondents (N= 591) received a description of a cholera vaccine that was 50% effective for 3 years and had negligible side effects. Respondents were asked how many vaccines they would purchase for their household at randomly pre-assigned prices.

Experiments, Health

Valuation of community forestry in Ethiopia: a contingent valuation study of rural households

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EfD Authors:

Community forestry projects in Ethiopia have been implemented using the top–down approach, which may have contributed to the failure of most of these projects. The so-called community plantations practically belonged to the government and the labour contribution of the local communities in the establishment of the plantations was mainly in exchange for wages.

Forestry, Policy Design

Private Demand for Cholera Vaccines in Hue,Vietnam

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EfD Authors:

Objectives: This study aims to measure the private demand
for oral cholera vaccines in Hue, Vietnam, an area of relatively
low endemicity of cholera, using the contingent valuation
Methods: Interviews were conducted with either the head of
household or spouse in 800 randomly selected households
with children less than 18 years old. Respondents were asked
whether they would purchase an oral cholera vaccine with
different levels of effectiveness and durations of effectiveness

Experiments, Policy Design, Health