A Multimarket Approach for Estimating a New Keynesian Phillips Curve

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

We propose a new approach for estimating a “hybrid” New Keynesian Phillips Curve (NKPC) that includes demand pressures coming from disequilibrium relations in three different markets: (1) monetary and financial, (2) international, and (3) labour. Econometric tests indicate that this specification is superior to the traditional NKPC, which includes a single variable to account for demand pressures.

Policy Design

Assessing the benefits and the costs of Dryland Forest in Central Chile

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

Investment in natural capital restoration is rapidly increasing as a response to the widespread ecological degradation of dryland areas in Latin America. Nonetheless, few attempts have been made to evaluate the costs and benefits of restoration initiatives in dryland ecosystems. By combining ecological and economic information, we assessed the benefits and costs of restoring ecosystem services in a dryland forest landscape in the Colliguay Valley, in central Chile. An active restoration program was evaluated by comparing its benefits and costs over a twenty five-year period.


Designing Contingent Valuation Scenarios for Environmental Health: the Case of Childhood Asthma

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

Objectives: We use a contingent valuation (CV) study of childhood asthma to discuss a central issue in designing CV studies of chronic illness—the need for a detailed, realistic scenario that minimizes confounding factors—and show how to address this issue. We apply our methodology to estimate households’ willingness to pay (WTP) for reductions in asthma morbidity.


Estándares vs. Sistemas de Permisos Transables con Costos de Fiscalización: Una aplicación al caso de fuentes fijas en Bogotá, Colombia

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

We study the cost effectiveness property of different control strategies for improving environmental quality. Our prospective analysis considers the application of Transferable Emissions Permit System (TEPS), Transferable Ambient Permit System (TAPS) and Standards (STD) applied on fix sources in Bogota-Colombia. A numerical simulation model allowed us to obtain costs of each regulatory system, which were compared with associated urban environmental quality. The results show that the most cost effective regulation for any environmental quality goal is TEPS, followed by TAPS and finally STD.

Policy Design

Estimating the economic value of landscape losses due to flooding by hydropower plants in the Chilean Patagonia

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

This paper presents a contingent valuation study concerning landscape impact generated by the construction of one dam (Baker 1) of the HIDROAYSEN hydropower project located in the Chilean Patagonia. A survey was used to collect information about citizens' opinion towards the hydropower project in four major cities in Chile. Specifically, a One-and-One-Half-bound (OOHB) willingness to pay eliciting format was applied to capture citizens’ WTP.


The Impact of Price on Residential Demand for Electricity and Natural Gas

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

Climate change will affect the supply of many resources that households consume, including electricity, and natural gas. Although price is considered an effective tool for controlling demand for many resources that households consume, including electricity and natural gas, its impact is poorly understood. Part of the problem is that demand is confounded by block pricing and the interrelated consumption of electricity and natural gas, which prevent easy estimation of price impacts.

Climate Change

The Cost-Effective Choice of Policy Instruments to Cap Aggregate Emissions with Costly Enforcement

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

We study the cost-effectiveness of inducing compliance in a program that caps aggregate emissions of a given pollutant from a set of heterogeneous firms based on emissions standards and the relative cost-effectiveness of such a program with respect to an optimally designed program based on tradable discharge permits. Our analysis considers abatement, monitoring and sanctioning costs, as well as perfect and imperfect information on the part of the regulator with regard to the polluters’ abatement costs.

Policy Design

Controlling Urban Air Pollution Caused by Households: Uncertainty, Prices, and Income

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

We examine the control of air pollution caused by households burning wood for heating and cooking in the developing world. Since the problem is one of controlling emissions from nonpoint sources, regulations are likely to be directed at household choices of wood consumption and combustion technologies. Moreover, these choices are subtractions from, or contributions to, the pure public good of air quality. Consequently, the efficient policy design is not independent of the distribution of household income.

Policy Design, Urban

CINTERA: A cross-disciplinary integrated eco-systemic eutrophication research and management approach

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on
EfD Authors:

CINTERA is designed to improve knowledge of ecosystem response to eutrophication and management of eutrophication in different marine fjord ecosystems and zones in Norway and Chile. The outcome of the field studies will be the determination of the most pronounced chemical and bioindicators of eutrophication in different conditions; this knowledge will give us the ability to improve monitoring activities in the future for early detection and management of the eutrophication problem.

Climate Change, Fisheries, Policy Design