Park Location Affects Forest Protection: Land Characteristics Cause Differences in Park Impacts across Costa Rica

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To support conservation planning, we ask whether a park's impact on deforestation rates varies with observable land characteristics that planners could use to prioritize sites. Using matching methods to address bias from non-random location, we find deforestation impacts vary greatly due to park lands' characteristics. Avoided deforestation is greater if parks are closer to the capital city, in sites closer to national roads, and on lower slopes.

Conservation, Forestry, Policy Design

Diseño y gestión adaptativa de un esquema de pago de servicios ecosistémicos en Copan Ruinas, Honduras

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Este artículo presenta el desarrollo de una iniciativa de pagos por servicios ecosistémicos relacionados con la provisión de agua potable en la comunidad de Copán Ruinas, Honduras. La metodología para diseñar e implementar este programa se basa en un enfoque integral y de gestión adaptativa, compuesto por varios componentes: definición de objetivos y diagnóstico general, análisis de condiciones habilitadoras, diseño técnico del programa, implementación y evaluación.


Policy Design

The Effect of Ambiguous Risk and Coordination on Farmer´s Adaptation to Climate Change-A Framed Field Experiment

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The risk of losses of income and productive means due to adverse weather can differ significantly among farmers sharing a productive landscape, and is of course hard to estimate, or even “guesstimate” empirically. Moreover, the costs associated with investments in reduced vulnerability to climatic events are likely to exhibit economies of scope. We explore the implications of these characteristics on farmer's decisions to adapt to climate change using a framed field experiment applied to coffee farmers in Costa Rica.

Agriculture, Climate Change

On the Relationship between Openness to Trade and Efficiency Levels in Low Income Countries: Evidence from the Latin American and the Caribbean Countries

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The paper tested for the relationship between three different measures of efficiency and the degree of openness to trade for a sample of countries from Latin America and the Caribbean plus the Unites States and Canada.

Policy Design

Does Eco-Certification Boost Regulatory Compliance in Developing Countries? ISO 14001 in Mexico

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EfD Authors:

Private sector initiatives certifying that producers of goods and services adhere to defined environmental process standards are increasingly popular worldwide. According to proponents, they can circumvent chronic barriers to effective public sector environmental regulation in developing countries.

Policy Design