Targeted Scenario Analysis: A New Approach to Capturing and Presenting Ecosystem Service Values for Decision Making

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In this guidebook, EfD Central America Director and Senior Research Fellow Francisco Alpizar together with Andrew Bovarnick provide a step-by-step introduction to Targeted Scenario Analysis (TSA), an innovative analytical approach, developed by UNDP that captures and presents the value of ecosystem services within decision making, to help make the business case for sustainable policy and investment choices.

This guidebook discusses the five steps that comprise a TSA. These steps include:

Policy Design

The Effect of Hydro-meteorological Emergencies on Internal Migration

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We estimate the effect of hydro-meteorological emergencies on internal migration in Costa Rica between 1995 and 2000. Nationwide, we find that an increase of one emergency in a canton significantly increases average migration rates from that canton, after controlling for several social, economic, climatic and demographic factors in both the canton of origin and destination.


Reputation and Household Recycling Practices

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Pro-environmental behavior is the willingness to cooperate and contribute to environmental public goods. A good understanding of why individuals undertake pro-environmental actions is important in order to construct policies that are aligned with preferences and actual behavioral patterns, such as concern for social esteem and reputation.


Public perceptions of the performance of community-based drinking water organizations in Costa Rica

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This paper analyses the underlying factors affecting people’s satisfaction with drinking water provided by community-based organizations in rural Costa Rica. These organizations provide water to more than 60% of the country’s rural population, but there is great disparity in the quality of water provided.

Using a Generalized Ordered Logit regression and data from 41 villages, we studied how characteristics of the water supply infrastructure, the governance structure, and the attributes of local people affect consumers’ perception of water quality at home.

Policy Design, Water

EfD Seventh Annual Meeting 2013

During EfD's seventh annual meeting, spring began to warm the Western Cape of South Africa creating a fertile environment for over 70 delegates to present fresh research findings and exchange…

Date: Thursday 24 October — Sunday 27 October, 2013
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Effects of Exclusion from a Conservation Policy: Negative Behavioral Spillovers from Targeted Incentives

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A critical issue in the design of incentive mechanisms is the choice of whom to target. For forests, the leading schemes: [i] target locations with high ecosystem-service density; [ii] target additionality, i.e., locations where conservation would not occur without the incentive; or, at least effectively, [iii] reward previous private choices to conserve forest. We use a field experiment to examine the changes in contributions to forest conservation when we introduce each of those three selection rules.

Experiments, Forestry