EfD-Mak Policy Brief on Governance of Natural Resources Utilisation In Uganda

Submitted by Jane Anyango on


Sustainable and efficient governance and utilization of natural resources requires:

1. Transparency, accountability, rule of law, inclusive participation and cooperation of all stakeholders and actors in natural resources. 2. Balancing economic, social and environmental goals in all government programs and plans including private investments.

Agriculture, Energy, Fisheries, Forestry, Land, Water

Market integration and price leadership: The U.S. Atlantic salmon market

Submitted by César Salazar on

When markets are integrated and the law of one price holds, prices confronted by different producers should tend to uniformity, in the long run, allowance is made for differences in quality and transportation costs. However, how producers coordinate to align prices is not obvious and probably the answer will vary between markets. In this article, we investigate this question using salmon prices differentials, for the main export countries—Canada, Chile, Norway, and the United Kingdom—of farmed Atlantic salmon in the United States market.


The performance of shared fish stock fisheries under varying institutional and socioeconomic conditions: Evidence from the South Eastern Pacific Anchoveta Fishery

Submitted by César Salazar on

We apply the Fishery Performance Indicators (FPIs) methodology to the Southeast Pacific Anchoveta Fishery off southern Peru and northern Chile. Our basic model of analysis is a production function framework, where the performance outcomes are a result of the available inputs. We measured all FPI categories (outcomes and input metrics) and then grouped the metrics into different dimensions suitable for analysis. We obtained the value of each metric from different sources using expert evaluation and secondary information.
