The Effects of Urban Rail Transit on Air Quality: New Evidence from Multiple Chinese Cities

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on
EfD Authors:

Automobiles are a major contributor to pervasive urban air quality problems. Partly to reduce these air quality problems, China has invested heavily in urban subway systems. This paper provides the first comprehensive estimates of the effects of these investments on urban air quality. The analysis uses a unique data set that combines hourly air quality data, daily meteorological data, and characteristics of cities for all major subway projects between 2013 and 2014 in China.

Health, Policy Design

Grandfathering: Environmental Uses and Impacts

Submitted by Karin Jonson on

“Grandfathering” grants preferential treatment to existing resource users over new entrants based on prior use. Grandfathering is based on the concept of first-in-time or prior appropriation and has been applied to a broad range of environmental and resource issues. We synthesize legal, economic, and political science perspectives and find that grandfathering removes incentives for users to anticipate regulations with proactive abatement.

Policy Design

How Costly are Driving Restrictions? Contingent Valuation Evidence from Beijing

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on
EfD Authors:

A common policy response to severe air pollution and traffic congestion in developing-country megacities is to ban the driving of vehicles with license plates ending in certain numbers on certain days. We use the contingent valuation method to estimate the costs to drivers of Beijing’s driving restrictions program, one of the world’s largest. Our study generates three main findings.

Policy Design

13th Annual Meeting of EfD- in Colombia

The EfD Annual Meeting is the largest annual conference in the Global South on the application of environmental economics to development. The EfD Annual Meeting will be held in Bogotá, Colombia, on 21…

Date: Friday 22 November — Monday 25 November, 2019

The power of nudging: Using feedback, competition and responsibility assignment to save electricity in a non-residential setting

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

We use behavioural insights to design nudges, leveraging social comparison and assignment of responsibility, aimed at reducing electricity consumption in a large provincial government office building with 24 floors, a total of 1008 occupants. Results from a randomized control trial show that floors participating in a treatment with inter-floor competitions and tips reduced energy consumption by 9%, while those that also included floor-wise “energy advocates” reduced energy consumption by 14% over a period of 5 months.

Energy, Policy Design

Policy design for the Anthropocene

Submitted by Karin Jonson on

Today, more than ever, ‘Spaceship Earth’ is an apt metaphor as we chart the boundaries for a safe planet. Social scientists both ​analyse why society courts disaster by approaching or even overstepping these boundaries and try to design suitable policies to avoid these perils. Because the threats of transgressing planetary boundaries are global, long-run, uncertain and intercon-nected, they must be analysed together to avoid conflicts and take advantage of synergies.

Policy Design

The Shale Gas Boom in the US: Productivity Shocks and Price Responsiveness

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on
EfD Authors:

The shale gas boom in the United States has been reforming the world energy market. The supply response of shale gas to productivity shocks and relative price changes, however, has not been adequately studied. We analyze the change in price responsiveness of shale gas drilling using well-level data covering all major producing reservoirs in the United States. Shale gas drilling becomes more responsive to energy prices after the major productivity shock in 2009.

Policy Design

The Impact of Multiple Climate Smart Practices on Gender Differentiated Nutrition Outcomes: Panel Data Evidence from Ethiopia

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

Since the beginning of the decade, climate resilient green economy strategies have been proposed in many African countries. One of the pillars of the strategies is the adoption and diffusion of various climate smart agricultural practices for improving crop and livestock production and farmer income while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The effects of these innovations on household nutritional security, including gender-differentiated nutritional status, have hardly been analyzed.

Agriculture, Health, Policy Design, Gender