Exploring consistency between stated and revealed preferences for the plastic bag ban policy in Chile

Submitted by Cristóbal Vásquez on

This paper exploits individual-level data before the implementation of a national policy to understand the factors driving avoidance of plastic consumption and explore potential inconsistencies between revealed and stated preferences for a plastic bag ban policy. We estimate a bivariate ordered probit model that allows us to account for a potential correlation between these types of preferences. The data reveals that while 71% of respondents take a reusable bag for shopping, only 58% of the sample state to strongly agree with prohibiting plastic bags.

Climate Change, Policy Design, Waste

Retirement and health services utilization in a low‐income country

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

We estimate the causal effects of retirement on health services utilization in Vietnam. Using authorized retirement ages as instruments for exogenous changes in retirement, we find positive and strong effects of retirement on outpatient health services in the public health sector. Retirement increases the probability of an outpatient visit by 51 percentage points for males and 36 percentage points for females, and the frequency of outpatient visits by 1.4 times for males and 2 times for females.

Policy Design

The Impact of Immigration on Computer Manufacturing in the 1990s

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

This article examines the impact of immigration on the location of the computer and computer peripherals manufacturing (SIC 357) and electronic equipment manufacturing (SIC 367) industries in the United States. The authors hypothesize that to stay competitive and keep production costs low, the computer and computer peripherals manufacturing and electronic equipment manufacturing businesses that remain in the United States are shifting employment to areas receiving large numbers of immigrants.

Policy Design

Use of Greenway Trails in Indiana

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

The quality of existing data about the use of urban trails is poor, and planners need better data to plan new trails and manage existing ones. This note presents descriptive analyses of pedestrian and bicycle traffic counts taken with infrared counters on urban multiuse greenway trails in Indiana during the fall 2000 and spring 2001. Monthly traffic, average daily, weekday, and weekend traffic, and average hourly and peak hour traffic are presented for trails in six municipalities and for five locations on one trail in Indianapolis.

Policy Design

Graduate Real Estate Education in the U.S.: The Diverse Options for Prospective Students

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

Graduate real estate education is offered in the United States in diverse settings and with a variety of approaches. The information provided on the websites of a selection of academic programs finds that prospective students may find the plethora of programs daunting, even confusing, as the formats, types, and emphases of graduate education in real estate is highly diverse. Our survey of the core curriculum and electives shows that programs can generally be segmented into either a real estate finance and management option or a multi-disciplinary option.

Policy Design

The Impact of Immigration on Four Low-Wage Industries in the 1990s

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

In a previous study, Howland and Nguyen showed that cities that attracted Asian immigrants experienced slower declines in computer employment than did cities without immigration. This article continues this exploration of the role that immigrants play in labor supply and regional growth by applying a similar framework to four additional low-wage manufacturing industries.

Policy Design

The Winter’s Tale: Season of Birth Impacts on Children in China

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

This paper examines the effect of season of birth on height and cognitive and noncognitive skills of Chinese children. We find that the child’s season of birth has a significant impact on the height of girls aged less than 5 years in agricultural households: girls born in winter are 0.4 standard deviations shorter compared with girls born in other seasons. We find, however, that this relative height differential does not translate to deficits in cognitive and noncognitive skills when girls are adolescents aged 10–15 years.

Policy Design

The relationship between credit card attributes and the demographic characteristics of card users in China

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact that several of these factors have on a consumer’s decision to hold a credit card, as well as those involved in determining the level of credit card limit.

Potential explanatory variables were identified in the literature, then used to build a binary logit model to test the impact of the card and consumer characteristics on credit card ownership. Data were collected via a structured interview of 409 consumers living in Hebei Province, China.

Policy Design