Can local communities afford full control over wildlife conservation? The case of Zimbabwe

Submitted by Jane Nyawira Maina on

Wildlife is widely becoming an important vehicle for rural development in most third-world countries across the globe. With wildlife, as with other conservation and development policies, policymakers are usually not informed about the needs and wants of poor rural households and roll out programmes that are not tailor made to suit their desires, which often results in policy failure. We use a survey-based choice experiment in this paper to investigate household preferences for various attributes of a wildlife management scheme. The survey was administered in


Capturing Lessons for Sustainable Tourism Planning and Research: A Systematic Literature Review

Submitted by Stephanie Scott on
EfD Authors:

Although sustainable tourism represents a positive approach for community development, its practical implementation is challenging. Given that there is no one institutional recipe that fits all cases, it is necessary to cumulate knowledge from lessons from isolated cases where a combination of institutional arrangements and context-specific characteristics showed to be - or not - successful for tourism management.


Valuing recreational ecosystem services in developing cities: The case of urban parks in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Submitted by Leonie Joubert on

Despite the growing body of evidence showing benefits and values of recreational ecosystem services, in sub-Saharan Africa, such evidence is extremely limited. This is problematic, and may perhaps explain their current poor condition. This study uses a random survey of households residing in Dar es Salaam to value the benefits of urban parks. The estimation is based on random utility framework where different models, with varying assumptions on preference and scale heterogeneity, are estimated.

Conservation, Urban