Construction of a Chilean Energy Matrix Portraying Energy Source Substitution: A System Dynamics Approach

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

The energy matrix is a useful tool for understanding the trends of production and consumption in a country and for evaluating long-term energy policies. This paper presents a behavioral simulation model of the evolution of Chile’s energy matrix. The model is developed and calibrated by considering a dynamic substitution of energy sources.


Uncertainty and the long-term adequacy of supply: Simulations of capacity mechanisms in electricity markets

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Deregulation in electricity markets has changed the conditions for maintaining long-term adequacy of supply. Particularly in the last decade, security of supply has become a major issue for policymakers due to a number of changes in technology, especially the introduction of renewables, where regulators have introduced capacity mechanisms. In this paper, we focus on the use of two different capacity mechanisms: procurement for long-term strategic reserves contracting, and centralized auctioning for capacity contracts.
