Better access to social activities and education would improve women’s adaptation to salinity intrusion

Submitted by Petra Hansson on

Research questions: How does gender matter in intra-household adaptation choices in response to salinity intrusion and which factors affect the choices?

Agriculture, Climate Change, Policy Design

Alternatives for improving Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) effectiveness on water resources

Submitted by Marianela Arguello on

Environmental Services include all contributions of nature to humans, and these are relative according to the context and the existence of alternatives (IPBES 2019). Ecosystem degradation jeopardizes the sustainable provision of these services. In this context, Payne for Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes arose as policy instruments that promote pro-environmental land use through financial incentives for actions that improve, maintain, or maximize the provision of ES (Kim et al. 2016). 

Climate Change, Conservation, Forestry, Land, Policy Design, Water