Researches at the first oil well at Kasemene site one
Researchers at the first oil well at Kasemene site one. Photo: EfD Uganda.

EfD Uganda researchers gain insights from oil and gas community visits

A team of environmental economists from Makerere University recently visited Uganda's Albertine oil fields to assess ongoing oil and gas operations and explore potential research and collaboration opportunities. The visit, conducted July 17-20, 2024, by the EfD-Mak center, covered the districts of Hoima, Buliisa, and Kikuube. The initiative aimed to bridge the gap between academic research and practical applications, focusing on the interaction between oil extraction activities and local communities, environmental management, and sustainable development.

A stop over at a pipeline connecting to Tilenga.oil well
A stop over at a pipeline connecting to Tilenga.oil well

This year’s center theme, Energy Efficiency, was selected to address the need for transitioning from biomass dependence to cleaner energy sources at the household level, and for cleaner energies in manufacturing and transport.

The center organized a three-day outreach program in three districts and held its inaugural Annual General Meeting and policy dialogue on July 18, 2024, at Glory Summit Hotel in Hoima, attracting over 60 participants including district leaders, community organizations, civil servants, private sector representatives, and academia.

A visit at Petroleum Authority office in Hoima
A visit at the Petroleum Authority office in Hoima

Over the next two days, researchers led by Center Deputy Director Johnny Mugisha visited several key sites including the Uganda Petroleum Authority in Hoima, various oil wells, the Central Processing Facility, Kingfisher, Tilenga Industrial Park, Kasemene site 1, the Luwero Industries Ltd Oil waste treatment plant, and Kabalega International Airport.

"The objective of visiting the oil and gas sites and companies is to enable our research fellows to familiarize themselves with activities and operations in Uganda’s oil and gas sector, fostering researchable projects, constructive dialogue, and policy developments on critical issues related to sustainable development and environmental stewardship," Johnny Mugisha explained.

Research fellows at the  kingfisher oil well
Research fellows at the kingfisher oil well

The areas of interest for the center included environmental impact assessment and monitoring, petroleum waste management practices, integration of biodiversity conservation, community engagement, and socio-economic impacts, regulatory framework and compliance, water resource management and protection, climate change resilience and adaptation strategies, corporate social responsibility initiatives, and long-term environmental management plans. They explored how Makerere University could effectively collaborate with the Petroleum Authority of Uganda, CNOOC, UNOC, and Total Uganda to enhance research and knowledge sharing on sustainable practices and environmental conservation.

At the Central processing Facility
At the central processing facility

Researchers concluded their visit with critical insights from on-the-ground engagements. Madina Mwagale Guloba, Senior Research Fellow at EfD Mak, emphasized the importance of seeing conditions firsthand to counteract misinformation, stating, “Seeing is believing, and seeing also learning from a point of view is very critical.”

Johnny Mugisha highlighted the necessity of interdisciplinary research, noting the significant relationship between the petroleum sector and farming communities.

Alex Tatwangire emphasized the value of direct stakeholder interaction, calling for continued research to address policy gaps and improve policy planning. Reflecting on his experience, he remarked: "Informed research and sustainable planning are crucial to maximizing the benefits of Uganda’s oil and gas resources and preparing for future opportunities."

At Luweero Industries Ltd waste treatment plant
Luweero Industries Ltd waste treatment plant

By: Jane Anyango.

News | 2 August 2024