Relaciones entre la unión europea y américa latina: escenarios futuros en un mundo de cambios

Submitted by Cristóbal Vásquez on

El libro trata de diversos aspectos de la relación entre Latinoamérica y Europa. Incluye tópicos tales como cambio climático, derecho a la educación, migración, cooperación al desarrollo, la llamada "techplomacia", la relación entre regionalismo e integración europea, el contexto de las relaciones entre la unión Europea y Latinoamérica, la relación USA-China y sus posibles consecuencias para Latinoamérica y la UE, la judicialización de las relaciones sociales, la regulaciones de los plásticos de un solo uso, entre otros.

Climate Change

Drought shocks and price adjustments in local food markets in Chile: Do product quality and marketing channel matter?

Submitted by Cristóbal Vásquez on

Lately, economies have been facing an increase in the frequency and magnitude of droughts, which come with potential consequences on food prices. This article aims to analyze how drought disturbances affect price differences in local food markets. Special attention is paid to differences in product quality and marketing channels. To study the mechanism behind price differences, our analysis is framed within the food market integration theory. Our methodology follows a dyadic regression approach, which allows us to exploit the panel data structure of our market price data.

Agriculture, Climate Change

Moving from Intention to Action: Insights on Firms’ Active Pro-Environmental Behavior

Submitted by Cristóbal Vásquez on

Organizations' pro-environmental intentions, like declaring environmental policies, are vital in determining organizations' pro-environmental behavior. However, the number of firms that move from intention to action is small. This study seeks to determine the organization's characteristics that influence firms' probability of declaring environmental policies and establish whether these policies or pro-environmental intentions are a good predictor of active pro-environmental behaviors.

Climate Change, Policy Design

Firms adaptation to climate change through product innovation

Submitted by Cristóbal Vásquez on

Climate change will impose high costs on different societal actors, including firms and organizations, forcing them to adapt to this new situation. Although the relevance of implementing adaptation strategies is widely recognized, studies on firms' adaptation to climate change are still in their infancy, especially regarding small and medium enterprises.

Climate Change, Policy Design

Traditional crops and climate change adaptation: insights from the Andean agricultural sector

Submitted by Cristóbal Vásquez on

The growth of traditional crops could be a primary resource for adapting to climate change and strengthening agrosystems’ resilience. However, these crops tend to be replaced by non-traditional crops with higher productivity, higher market values, and higher short-term income. In this context, smallholders face trade-offs between maximizing short-term income and ensuring resilience to face likely future climate adversities. The economic assessment of such trade-offs has been commonly neglected in the literature.

Agriculture, Climate Change, Policy Design, Water

Can school environmental education programs make children and parents more pro-environmental?

Submitted by Cristóbal Vásquez on

We evaluate the direct and indirect effects of an environmental educational program with value-laded content on children's and parents' knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding the consumption and disposal of plastics. We do this using a randomized field experiment targeting fourth-grade children in Chile. The educational program had a sizeable and a positive impact on children’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices, but no effect on parents' behavior.

Climate Change, Fisheries, Policy Design, Waste