EEU Seminar - Jens Ewald
The next EEU Seminar will be held on Monday the 16nd of December at 12:10 – 13:00 in B44. The seminar will be held by our own Jens Ewald, he is a PhD candidate in his final year, at the Department of…
The next EEU Seminar will be held on Monday the 16nd of December at 12:10 – 13:00 in B44. The seminar will be held by our own Jens Ewald, he is a PhD candidate in his final year, at the Department of…
The next EEU Seminar will be held on Monday the 2nd of December at 12:10 – 13:00 in B44. The seminar will be held by Liv Lundberg (PhD), a researcher at RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden. She will…
This study examines how climate change affects food consumption patterns in Ghana, especially for farm and non-farm households. By using panel and meteorological data, the project investigates the
Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower are essential for reducing global carbon emissions by replacing fossil fuel-based energy generation. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency ((IRENA), 2020), the large-scale deployment of renewable energy, combined with energy efficiency improvements, has the potential to reduce energy-related CO2 emissions by 70% by 2050.
While African countries have developed climate change and trade policies based on national interests, the cross-border nature of climate change necessitates regional cooperation and coordinated
Many low-income households in developing countries spend a sizeable proportion of their income on energy largely due to the use of secondhand electrical appliances which are energy inefficient. This
EfD Ethiopia (Environment and Climate Research Center, ECRC) hosted a thought-provoking seminar titled Thirsting for Solutions: The Impact of Water Scarcity on Migration. This event, which took place…
Carbon pricing is an important instrument. In the Global South, however there is a risk of malnutrition and deforestation if poor people are not compensated. A new study by EfD and MCC researchers…