EfD Annual Report 2015/2016

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Read about what  EfD centers around the world have been up to during the last year in terms of research highlights and how our research relate to the Sustainable Development Goals.

Find out more about our collaborative research programs and get to know our broad work with policy interaction at all levels as well as what has been done in academic training. There are three new EfD centers on the doorstep, so a peek into the future as well. This report is a joint effort with many authors and contributors.

Water and sanitation service delivery, pricing, and the poor: An empirical estimate of subsidy incidence in Nairobi, Kenya

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

The increasing block tariff (IBT) is among the most widely used tariffs by water utilities, particularly in developing countries. This is due in part to the perception that the IBT can effectively target subsidies to low-income households. Combining data on households' socioeconomic status and metered water use, this paper examines the distributional incidence of subsidies delivered through the IBT in Nairobi, Kenya.


EfD Kenya hosted their Research Day

EfD Kenya in collaboration with the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis – (KIPPRA) held its Research Day on March 3 rd 2016, at the Nairobi Safari Club, Nairobi. The objectives of…

| Policy Design | Kenya

Evaluating the Performance of Alternative Municipal Water Tariff Designs Quantifying the Trade-offs between Cost Recovery, Equity, and Economic Efficiency

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

The design of municipal water tariffs requires balancing multiple criteria such as financial self-sufficiency for the service provider, equity, and economic efficiency for society. A modelling framework is developed for analysing how alternative municipal water tariff designs affect these three criteria. It is then applied to a hypothetical community in which a municipal water utility provides metered, piped water and wastewater services to 5,000 households.

Policy Design, Water

Effects of climate change on agricultural households’ welfare in Kenya

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Natural and artificial ecosystems (such as agricultural ecosystems), confer benefits in the form of provisioning, regulatory, cultural and habitat goods and services to nations and humanity as a whole. Degradation of ecosystems through different threats and drivers compromises their ability of provide these goods and services. In Kenya, just like many African countries, climate change and variability is a driver affecting weather patterns and causing seasonal shifts.

Agriculture, Climate Change

Health shocks and natural resource management: Evidence from Western Kenya

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Abstract: Poverty and altered planning horizons brought on by the HIV/AIDS epidemic can change individual discount rates, altering incentives to conserve natural resources. Using longitudinal household survey data from Western Kenya, we estimate the effects of health status on investments in soil quality, as indicated by households’ agricultural land fallowing decisions.


What Determines Gender Inequality in Household Food Security in Kenya? Application of Exogenous Switching Treatment Regression

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Abstract: This paper explores the link between the gender of a household head and food security in rural Kenya. The results show that the food security gap between male-headed households (MHHs) and female-headed households (FHHs) is explained by their differences in observable and unobservable characteristics. FHHs’ food security status would have been higher than it is now if the returns (coefficients) on their observed characteristics had been the same as the returns on the MHHs’ characteristics.

Health, Gender

Effects of climate change on agricultural households’ welfare in Kenya

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on
EfD Authors:

Natural and artificial ecosystems (such as agricultural ecosystems), confer benefits in the form of provisioning, regulatory, cultural and habitat goods and services to nations and humanity as a whole. Degradation of ecosystems through different threats and drivers compromises their ability of provide these goods and services. In Kenya, just like many African countries, climate change and variability is a driver affecting weather patterns and causing seasonal shifts.

Agriculture, Climate Change