Payments for Ecological Services and Eco-Compensation: Practices and Innovations in the People's Republic of China

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Policy makers in the People's Republic of China have been experimenting with new approaches to environmental management, resulting in a wide array of policy and program innovations under the broad heading of eco-compensation.

Policy Design

An Eco-Compensation Policy Framework for the People's Republic of China: Challenges and Opportunities

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Economic growth has multiplied the environmental challenges faced by the People's Republic of China but has also created opportunities, by increasing available funding for environmental management and conservation.

Policy Design

Valuing the Health Risks of Particulate Air Pollution in the Pearl River Delta, China

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The Pearl River Delta (PRD) in Southern China is a region where the manufacturing industry is rapidly developing, accounting for about 10% of the gross domestic product (GDP) with 4% of China’s population.


Spatial Variation of Emissions Impacts Due to Renewable Energy Siting Decisions in the Western U.S. under High-renewable Penetration Scenarios

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EfD Authors:

One of the policy goals motivating programs to increase renewable energy investment is that renewable electric generation will help reduce emissions of CO2 as well as emissions of conventional pollutants (e.g., SO2 and NOx).


Evaluating An Analytic-deliberative Risk-ranking Process in A Chinese Context

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In previous research, a deliberative process for integrating stakeholder perspectives in the ranking of risks was introduced and empirically tested with lay groups composed predominantly of Americans. In this paper, we explore the viability of this process with lay groups of Chinese, because previous research has shown that Americans and Chinese differ substantially along many dimensions of cognition and social organization relevant to decision-making.


An Auction Scheme for Land Use Change in Sichuan Province, China

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This paper presents the application of an auction scheme for the allocation of funds for environmentally improving land use change (LUC) amongst farm households in Sichuan Province, China.

Agriculture, Policy Design

Controlling Local Environmental Performance: an analysis of three national environmental management programs in the context of regional disparities in China

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EfD Authors:

Whether government has the political will and capacity to control pollution is crucial for environmental outcomes. A vast country such as China, with centralized policymaking but idiosyncratic local implementation of environmental regulations and drastic regional disparities in wealth, raises the question how does the central government stimulate local environmental commitment to accommodate such diversity?

Policy Design

The Fossil Endgame: Strategic Oil Price Discrimination and Carbon Taxation

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This paper analyzes how fossil fuel-producing countries can counteract climate policy. We analyze the exhaustion of oil resources and the subsequent transition to a backstop technology as a strategic game between the consumers and producers of oil, which we refer to simply as ‘OECD’ and ‘OPEC’, respectively.

Climate Change, Policy Design, Carbon Pricing

Getting their voices heard: Three cases of public participation in environmental protection in China

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By comparing three cases of environmental activism in China, our paper answers the following three questions about public participation in environment protection in China: (1) what are the drivers for public participation, (2) who are the agents leading the participation, and (3) do existing laws facilitate public participation?

Climate Change, Policy Design